The closing date for registration in the conference tours is 30 April 2010


Dialogue Forum - Bibliotheca Alexandrina    -

Within the Library of Alexandria’s efforts to become a platform for cultural dialogue, the Dialogue Forum provides a medium for liberal thought and cultural exchange to promote the values of cultural diversity, and to create an enabling environment for dialogue, reform and development. The Forum aims to defend others’ freedom of expression and to understand human civilizations on national, regional and international levels, as well as promote and support the role of civil societies through the creation of networks and outreach programs in an attempt to create a vision of a promising future for the Arab region. The Forum fosters a future generation of informed and engaged youth through the encouragement of leadership, participation and exchange.

Within its varied and numerous activities, the Dialogue Forum organizes bimonthly forums, where speakers and audiences engage in lively discussion and debate, covering all aspects of society, be it scientific, cultural, or even sports.

The Dialogue Forum is concurrently responsible for the Arab Reform Forum, the brainchild of the recommendations of the first Arab Reform Conference in 2004, culminated in the Alexandria Declaration. The Arab Reform Forum organizes regular workshops and seminars in areas affecting Social, Political, Economic or Cultural reform, as well as an annual conference which has taken place since 2004, and has recently taken a visionary strategy by becoming the Arab Future Conference, beginning 2010. Other reform projects include the Development Gateway; the Arab Reform Observatory; the coalition for Fighting Corruption and Promoting Transparency; and the Info Mall.

Youth are provided a regular platform for exchange and voicing of opinions and thoughts, through the annual Arab Youth Forum, as well as being offered various opportunities to build on existing skills, and acquire grants and scholarships to help them leave their imprint on society through small yet effective projects.

The publications summarizing the fruitful discussions which take place during all these activities are issued for wide distribution and dissemination of knowledge across the Arab region.

National Council for Youth - Egypt