Biography |
Dr. Christian Hülshörster is currently the director of the DAAD Cairo Office.
After completion of his doctorate studies in German literature at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster in 1996, he worked for four years as a DAAD Guest Professor at Chulalongkorn University Bangkok and Head of the DAAD Office in Bangkok.
After returning to Germany he was head of unit - international university marketing for 5 years at DAAD headquarters in Bonn being responsible for the worldwide marketing campaign “Study and Research in Germany”
Since 2005 Dr. Christian Hülshörster is Head of the DAAD Branch Office Egypt (Region: Middle East – North Africa), responsible for personnel (18 employees), financial management, overall program responsibility, representation of the DAAD in Egypt and the region as well as extensive business travel in the region.
Abstract |
The DAAD’s Role in promoting international cooperation in science and higher education between Germany and the Arab World
Europe without borders and the globalization of markets are characteristics of growing internationalization. International experience combined with tolerance and openness for other cultures are considered to be key competences of the future. Education enables people to make use of the opportunities of open borders and worldwide communication. Science thrives on exchanges across all borders. However, international collaboration in science is possible only on the basis of internationally agreed cooperation. Implementing these collaborations often depends on the financing of exchange programmes from state funds. International exchanges are very much alive in the German education system, too. They range from programmes for exchanges of pupils at schools to programmes for exchanges in academic education. Young people get to know new cultures and languages in exchange programmes. This is the basis for skills that are necessary in a world that is growing together.
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), acting on behalf of the German government, is creating the possibilities by means of international cooperation. The DAAD’s Regional Office in Cairo, celebrating 50 years of successful work in Egypt in 2010, has been working in five major areas:
- Scholarships for foreigners: Supporting future foreign elites at German universities and research institutes
- Scholarships for Germans: Supporting future German leaders in their studies and research abroad
- Internationalisation of German universities: Increasing the international appeal of German universities and promoting the international dimension in German higher education
- Promoting German Studies and the German language abroad
- Educational cooperation with developing countries: Promoting academic, economic, and democratic development in developing and reform countries
Especially since the German – Egyptian Year of Science & Technology in 2007, Germany has been one of the major partners of Egypt’s scientific and higher education community. Jointly financed program schemes, like the long-term Ph.D. scholarship program GERLS or the German – Egyptian Research Fund (GERF) are cornerstones of a cooperation build on trust, respect and the belief that scientific success in today’s world is to a high extent depending on international team work.