Biography |
Frank Shotkoski, Ph.D. is the Director of the Agricultural Biotechnology Support Project II (ABSPII) at Cornell University. ABSPII is a USAID funded project with a mandate to commercialize genetically engineered crops in Africa and Asia. Before joining Cornell University, Frank wss Global Cotton Traits Technical Manager with Syngenta where he built a cotton biotechnology program that resulted in the development of Vip3-based insect resistant cotton.
Frank Shotkoski earned his Ph.D. in Molecular Entomology from the University of Minnesota in 1992 and Master of Science and Bachelor of Science from the University of Nebraska in 1988 and 1984, respectively. He is the author on many referred publications; numerous abstracts and several book chapters. His expertise in product development and commercialization of agriculture biotechnology products stems from over 20 years of academic and industrial experience in both medical and agricultural biotechnology.
Abstract |
Bt Brinjal: The Challenge of Deregulation in India