Gondwe, Mike | ca. 2007]
- Author(s): Gondwe, Mike
- Publisher: Commonwealth association of museums (CAM)
- Pages: --
- Keywords: indigenous knowledge, cultural heritage, malawi
Museums of Malawi is involved with the \"Safeguarding Traditions\" project as a means of increasing appreciation and awareness for intangible culture. They included a socio-economic focus involving a traditional food source with the potential to alleviate Malawi's food shortage.
Gondwe, Mike | 2009
- Author(s): Gondwe, Mike
- Publisher: Museums of Malawi
- Pages: --
- Keywords: museums, educational programmes, children, youth, teaching personnel, malawi
The Museums of Malawi developed a programme targeting teachers and youth to create awareness on the importance of expressive arts subjects to a child and the development of a country as a whole. The programme's goals, objectives, activities and outputs/impact are described.
Gordon, John C. and Beilby-Orrin, Helen | 2006
- Author(s): Gordon, John C. and Beilby-Orrin, Helen
- Publisher: Organisation for economic co-operation and development (OECD)
- Pages: --
- Keywords: culture, national accounts, economic statistics, classification systems
This OECD project provides an approach to measuring the economic and social importance of culture. It also explores the linkages between culture and well-being. This paper was followed by an international workshop in December 2006.
Goskar, Tom and Goskar, Tehmina | 2005-
- Author(s): Goskar, Tom and Goskar, Tehmina
- Publisher: Past thinking
- Pages: --
- Keywords: museology, cultural heritage, museums, archaeology, cultural property
Past Thinking is a blog run by two heritage professionals, Tom Goskar and Tehmina Goskar. They cover archaeology, museums, and other heritage issues, and how they are using technology to change the ways we can learn about the past.
Greene, Sandra E. | 1998
- Author(s): Greene, Sandra E.
- Publisher:
- Pages: 1--8
- Keywords: cultural development, arts, cultural heritage, tourism development, ghana
A brief history of the arts development in Ghana in the past decades. Furthermore some questions about the challenges for the future.