Gender, Citizenship and Governance

Land tenure, housing rights and gender in Mexico

Fausto Brito, Adriana and Briseٌo, Nohemي | cop. 2005
  • Author(s): Fausto Brito, Adriana and Briseٌo, Nohemي
  • Publisher: United nations human settlements programme (UN-HABITAT)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, land tenure, housing, property rights, mexico
This broad analysis of the national and local legal framework related to land, housing, inheritance and marital property rights in Mexico, includes an examination of tenure types and land management systems, and their accessibility to the (urban) poor, also from a gender perspective.

World atlas of gender equality in education

Fiske, Edward B. | 2012
  • Author(s): Fiske, Edward B.
  • Publisher: United nations educational, scientific and cultural organization (UNESCO)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: education, empowerment, girls, gender mainstreaming, gender equality
This Atlas situates issues of gender equality in a broader context. Equality in education must be integrated into wider policies at the economic, social and political levels. Transformational power of education for girls and women can translate into sustainable development for society as a whole.

Afghanistan's parliament in the making : gendered understandings and practices of politics in a transitional country

Fleschenberg, Andrea | cop. 2009
  • Author(s): Fleschenberg, Andrea
  • Publisher: Heinrich Bِll foundation [etc.]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, political participation, parliamentary government, afghanistan
Based on interviews with male and female parliamentarians in Afghanistan, the role of women Members of Parliament and the challenges they face are analysed, showing the socio-political context and the space of agency for male and female parliamentarians.

Gender dimensions of agricultural and rural employment : differentiated pathways out of poverty : status, trends and gaps

Fontana, Marzia | 2010
  • Author(s): Fontana, Marzia
  • Publisher: Food and agriculture organization of the United nations (FAO) [etc.]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: gender, rural poverty, agricultural workers, rural employment, division of labour, poverty alleviation, agricultural policy, employment policy, statistical data
The report reflects the latest thinking on the gender dimensions of rural poverty. It calls for creating better jobs for both women and men, obtaining social protection, ensuring labour standards and promoting rural institutions that equally represent women’s and men’s interests.

Gender equality laws : global good practice and a review of five Southeast Asian countries

Forster, Christine and Jivan, Vedna | 2009
  • Author(s): Forster, Christine and Jivan, Vedna
  • Publisher: United nations development fund for women (UNIFEM)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: gender equality, legislation, women's rights, treaties, south east asia, indonesia, lao, philippines, thailand, vietnam
This report presents an analysis of global gender equality laws and identifies those that represent good practice from a CEDAW-informed perspective. Also the strengths and weaknesses of enacted and draft gender equality laws in Indonesia, Lao PDR, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam are examined.

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This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on women’s political participation & representation, women’s rights, institutional mainstreaming, and decentralization & local governance. Find your resources in the database.