Gender, Citizenship and Governance

Respect and relevance : supporting self-organising as a strategy for empowerment and social change

Ham, Julie | 2007
  • Author(s): Ham, Julie
  • Publisher: Global alliance against traffic in women (GAATW)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, empowerment, social change, self-help, social groups
Information gathered from the self-organized members of GAATW provides insight into how do self-organized groups contribute to individual and collective empowerment and to social change, and how can NGOs and donors support these groups in a way that respects their unique strengths and challenges.

Women's political participation and good governance : 21st century challenges

Hamadeh-Banerjee, Lina | cop. 2000
  • Author(s): Hamadeh-Banerjee, Lina
  • Publisher: United nations development programme (UNDP)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, political participation, governance, panchayat, social movements, violence, india, south africa, uganda, latin america, caribbean region
Challenges facing women in politics and the impact of women in the political process are analysed, drawing on case studies from India, South Africa, Uganda, Latin American and the Caribbean. Conclusions and recommendations of women's participation in local government structures are presented.

Freedom of information (FOI) & women's rights in Africa : a collection of case studies from Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa and Zambia

Hambuba, Carlyn and Kagoiya, Rachel | 2009
  • Author(s): Hambuba, Carlyn and Kagoiya, Rachel
  • Publisher: African women's development and communication network (FEMNET) : with UNESCO
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, popular participation, freedom of information, civil and political rights, women's rights, cameroon, ghana, kenya, south africa, zambia
Case studies from Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa & Zambia document women’s participation in processes that have led to the formulation, enactment or implementation of laws/policies that enable citizen to enjoy freedom of information, particularly information in the custody of the government.

A place at the table : safeguarding women's rights in Afghanistan

Hancock, Louis and Ashraf Nemat, Orzala | 2011
  • Author(s): Hancock, Louis and Ashraf Nemat, Orzala
  • Publisher: Oxfam GB
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women's rights, political participation, islam, afghanistan
This paper argues that the protection of women’s rights must be a top priority in any peace talks and as international military forces prepare to withdraw. It shows that there is support among Afghans for women’s rights in an Islamic context.

Women in politics in Vietnam

Hanh, Vuong Thi and Dung, Doan Thuy | 2006]
  • Author(s): Hanh, Vuong Thi and Dung, Doan Thuy
  • Publisher: Women's environment & development organization (WEDO)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, political participation, political representation, vietnam
Following an overview on the political system of Vietnam, some policies and legislations to advancement of women’s participation in politics are summarized. Statistics on women’s participation in leadership and decision-making are presented and lessons learnt and recommendations are described.

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This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on women’s political participation & representation, women’s rights, institutional mainstreaming, and decentralization & local governance. Find your resources in the database.