Gender, Citizenship and Governance

A human rights approach to localising the 'MDGs' through gender equitable local development

McGill, Ronald | 2009
  • Author(s): McGill, Ronald
  • Publisher: University of technology
  • Pages: 77--100
  • Keywords: gender mainstreaming, local government, human rights, development strategies, government budgeting
This paper is about the principles of human rights based approach to development, their application through the filter of the MDGs, and the challenge of achieving the MDGs at the local level, through local government and public expenditure management, the key to Gender Equitable Local Development.

Good governance from the ground up : women's roles in post-conflict Cambodia

McGrew, Laura and Frieson, Kate and Chan, Sambath | 2004
  • Author(s): McGrew, Laura and Frieson, Kate and Chan, Sambath
  • Publisher: Hunt alternatives fund
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, political participation, civil society, cambodia
This book traces women's contributions to governance and peace through local and national politics as well as civil society; examines the significance of gender perspectives to the promotion of good governance; and reflects on mechanisms enhancing women's participation in the political arena.

Another side of India : gender, culture and development

McSweeney, Brenda Gael and Sen, Gita and Windecker, Mieke and Hartley, Margaret | 2008
  • Author(s): McSweeney, Brenda Gael and Sen, Gita and Windecker, Mieke and Hartley, Margaret
  • Publisher: United nations educational, scientific and cultural organization (UNESCO)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, political participation, panchayat, women's rights, justice, india
This volume with contributions of scholars and activists includes essays on women's participation and leadership in panchayat, women's rights, and gender justice and citizenship in India.

Gender and citizenship : overview report

Meer, Shamim and Sever, Charlie | cop. 2004
  • Author(s): Meer, Shamim and Sever, Charlie
  • Publisher: University of Sussex]. Institute of development studies (IDS). BRIDGE
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women's rights, civil and political rights, gender equality, gender mainstreaming
The importance of citizenship and gender to development theory and practice is examined. Key debates in the literature on gender and citizenship are discussed and it is shown how reframing citizenship from a gender perspective can introduce rights and political participation as development goals.

Fundamentalisms in Asia-Pacific : trends, impact, challenges and strategies asserting women's rights

Mehra, Madhu | cop. 2008
  • Author(s): Mehra, Madhu
  • Publisher: Asia Pacific forum on women, law and development (APWLD)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women's rights, sex discrimination, civil and political rights, economic, social and cultural rights, asia and the pacific, malaysia, bangladesh, indonesia, india, myanmar, pakistan, fiji, philippines, thailand, japan
Trends in fundamentalisms in the Asia Pacific, the connections between different forms of fundamentalism, and strategies to address them are described. Fundamentalisms refers to the many forms in which hegemonic trends are manifested in the civil, political, economic, social and culture spheres.

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