Gender, Citizenship and Governance

Strengthening governance : the role of women in Rwanda's transition : a summary

Powley, Elizabeth | 2004
  • Author(s): Powley, Elizabeth
  • Publisher: UN. Office of the special adviser on gender issues and advancement of women (OSAGI)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, political participation, governance, rwanda
In Rwanda, barriers to political participation and elected office in terms of both access and capacity/education have been largely removed, but attention must be paid to training and education for women candidates and women elected officials in order to strengthen the gains made.

Democracy and governance

Powley, Elizabeth and Anderlini, Sanam Naraghi | cop. 2004]
  • Author(s): Powley, Elizabeth and Anderlini, Sanam Naraghi
  • Publisher: International alert etc.
  • Pages: 36--47
  • Keywords: women, governance, popular participation, political participation
Having discussed the key components of good governance, policies to advance women’s participation in good governance and ways in which women can contribute to good governance are explored. Suggestions for strategic actions to be undertaken by women peacebuilders are given.

Local power and women's rights : gender perspectives on decentralisation processes

Prestin, Kirsten | 2010
  • Author(s): Prestin, Kirsten
  • Publisher: Association of German development NGOs (VENRO)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, decentralization in government, local government, political participation, cameroon, germany, uganda
A workshop was held to discuss the strategies and political measures needed to achieve gender equality and empowerment of women at national and local level. This book presents the different experiences made by participants from Germany, Uganda and Cameroon and the results of the discussion.

Grassroots women and decentralised governance : change through partnership

Purushothaman, Sangeetha | cop. 2010
  • Author(s): Purushothaman, Sangeetha
  • Publisher: Huairou commission
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, decentralization in government, local government, popular participation, czech republic, india, kenya, peru, russia
Grassroots women's initiatives from Czech Republic, India, Kenya, Peru and Russia provide insights into the participation of local communities in decentralized decision making and local governance.

Strengthening women's citizenship in the context of state building : Guatemala, Central America

Quintana, Magali and Alamilla, Ileana | 2010
  • Author(s): Quintana, Magali and Alamilla, Ileana
  • Publisher: FRIDE
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: women, citizenship, political participation, political parties, justice, guatemala
Research carried out in Guatemala on the opportunities for strengthening Guatemalan women’s citizenship within the framework of state building is reported. Areas of research included women’s access to justice in the civil sphere, and women’s political participation through political parties.

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This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on women’s political participation & representation, women’s rights, institutional mainstreaming, and decentralization & local governance. Find your resources in the database.