Utting-Chamorro, Karla | 2005
- Author(s): Utting-Chamorro, Karla
- Publisher:
- Pages: 584--599
- Keywords: standards, women, gender equality, coffee, small farms, social justice, economic development, nicaragua
One of the dimensions used to assess the impact of fair trade is gender equity. Evidence suggests that the status of women is improving within rural communities giving them a greater sense of self-esteem, however the low level of participation reveals little about their true involvement.
Vaarst, Mette | 2010
- Author(s): Vaarst, Mette
- Publisher: Canadian center of science and education (CCSE)]
- Pages: 38--50
- Keywords: agricultural product marketing, organic farming, development strategies, gender equality, women, standards
This study explores, analyzes and discusses Organic Farming in relation to the principles of Ecology, Health, Care and Fairness as a development strategy. It demonstrates the strong link that exists betweeen gender equality and the fairness principle.
Verhart, Noortje and Pyburn, Rhiannon | 2010
- Author(s): Verhart, Noortje and Pyburn, Rhiannon
- Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan [etc.]
- Pages: 356--361
- Keywords: women, empowerment, women's status, coffee, agricultural production, trade liberalization, globalization, social justice, gender research, guatemala
A value chain (VC) approach is used to look at opportunities to improve women's positions in global trade. Trade relations influence men's and women's opportunities to improve their position in a VC differently. Interventions can enable the revaluation of women's contribution to coffee production.
| cop. 2012-
- Author(s):
- Publisher: ISEAL alliance
- Pages: --
- Keywords: co-operation between organizations, agricultural product marketing, small farms, social justice, international trade, standards, environment
The ISEAL Alliance is the global association for social and environmental standards. It develops guidance to strengthen the impact of these standards. ISEAL works with companies, non-profits and governments to support their referencing and use of voluntary standards.
| cop. 2012-
- Author(s):
- Publisher: UTZ certified The Netherlands
- Pages: --
- Keywords: tea, cocoa, coffee, environment, social justice, international trade, standards
UTZ CERTIFIED is one of the largest sustainability programs for coffee, cocoa and tea in the world. Brands that have committed themselves to UTZ CERTIFIED sourcing buy in large volumes, so they have strong impact on the standard of living of large numbers of smallholders.