Governance & HIV and AIDS

Good governance and good health : the role of societal structure in the human immunodeficiency virus pandemic

Menon-Johansson, Anatole S. | 2005
  • Author(s): Menon-Johansson, Anatole S.
  • Publisher: BioMed central
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: health programmes, democracy, social structure, governance, aids
Using World Bank governance data and UNAIDS HIV prevalence estimates for 2002 this paper tests the hypothesis 'HIV prevalence is not associated with governance'.

Fostering enabling legal and policy environments to protect the health and human rights of sex workers : Johannesburg, South Africa, June 22-24, 2006 : report of a meeting...

Miller, Alice M. | 2006
  • Author(s): Miller, Alice M.
  • Publisher: Open society institute (OSI)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: prostitution, human rights, health legislation, aids, south africa
This report highlights specific issues in the debates and areas of substantial agreement for action and advocacy. The report also seeks to make visible the complexity and diversity of viewpoints among participants.

Local governance and empowerment for sustainable HIV responses : experiences from India

Mohan, Hari | 2007
  • Author(s): Mohan, Hari
  • Publisher: United nations development programme (UNDP) India
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: local government, nongovernmental organizations, programme planning, health programmes, aids, india
This paper attempts to give an analytical illustration of some of the development partners and UNDP India’s projects that have experimented with various models of strengthening/involving local governance structures in responding to HIV.

HIV/AIDS mitigation strategies and the state in sub-Saharan Africa : the missing link?

Mohiddin, Abdu and Johnston, Deborah | 2006
  • Author(s): Mohiddin, Abdu and Johnston, Deborah
  • Publisher: BioMed central
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: health planning, disease prevention, health education, aids, africa south of sahara
The HIV/AIDS pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa is widely recognised as a development disaster threatening poverty reduction, economic growth and not merely a health issue. Its mitigation includes the societal-wide adoption and implementation of specific health strategies.

Literature review on HIV/AIDS and governance : commissioned desk-based research

Moran, Dominique and Butcher, Kate and Curtis, Donald and Laurence, Charlotte | 2003
  • Author(s): Moran, Dominique and Butcher, Kate and Curtis, Donald and Laurence, Charlotte
  • Publisher: University of Birmingham. Governance and social development resource centre (GSDRC)]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: health services, pharmaceuticals, corrupt practices, governance, aids, brazil, senegal, thailand, uganda
This review examines a number of specific concerns relating to the governance aspects of HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, China and Russia. It has drawn together findings from research from donors, NGOs and academics from a wide variety of studies.

About this portal

The information portal provides access to selected, free full-text electronic publications and other Internet sources on the mechanisms of interaction through which HIV and AIDS policies and strategies are developed, implemented, monitored and evaluated at different levels involving both public and private parties.