Librarianship in the South

Utilization of hospital library by health workers in a tertiary health institution in Ilorin, Kwara state

Musa, O.I. and Omopupa, Kamal Tunde | 2005
  • Author(s): Musa, O.I. and Omopupa, Kamal Tunde
  • Publisher: University of Ilorin. College of medicine]
  • Pages: 31--36
  • Keywords: health information, nigeria
In this study, most of the health workers (87%) used the library, and about half of this group used the facility regularly. Doctors were found to use the library more than any group of health professionals.

Strategies for addressing the university library users' changing needs and practices in sub-Saharan Africa : pre-IFLA satellite conference paper

Musoke, Maria G.N. | 2007
  • Author(s): Musoke, Maria G.N.
  • Publisher: International federation of library associations and institutions (IFLA)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: university and college libraries, library information services, librarians, library education, uganda
The paper presents the Librarians’ experiences in trying to address the changing needs and practices of library users with special reference to the Makerere University Library. Librarians need both the intellectual ability and practical skills to be able to meet the needs of library users.

IT diffusion in sub-Saharan Africa : implications for developing and managing digital libraries

Mutula, Stephen | 2004
  • Author(s): Mutula, Stephen
  • Publisher: Emerald group
  • Pages: 281--289
  • Keywords: libraries, information technology, africa south of sahara
This paper discusses the patterns of ICTs diffusion within libraries in Sub-Saharan Africa and the implications for the development and management of digital libraries.

Museum libraries : how digitization can enhance the value of the museum

Navarrete, Trilce and Mackenzie Owen, John | 2011
  • Author(s): Navarrete, Trilce and Mackenzie Owen, John
  • Publisher: Universidad nacional de La Plata. Facultad de humanidades y ciencias de la educaciَn. Departamento de bibliotecologيa
  • Pages: 12--20
  • Keywords: libraries, technical services (libraries), document preservation
In a digital world, the library and the museum can and should be re-integrated into a single cultural information system. However, since in practice digitization of the library and the museum follow different paths, museums and their libraries will have to change their thinking about how to proceed

Open access journals and institutional repositories : practical need and present trends in India

Nazim, Mohammad and Devi, Maya | 2008
  • Author(s): Nazim, Mohammad and Devi, Maya
  • Publisher: Council of scientific & industrial research. National institute of science communication and information resources (CSIR-NISCAIR)
  • Pages: 201--208
  • Keywords: library resources, scientific literature, scholarly publishing, asia
Among the top 25 open access publishing countries, India ranks 12th for the overall number of journals, but drops to 18th for journals with online content. However, its position in the list of open access journals is fifth. India ranks 12th in the Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR).

About this portal

The Librarianship in the South portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic resources on information literacy, ICT issues, institutional repositories, and preservation of documentary heritage. Find your resources in the database.