Maternal Health – Lessons Learned

Guttmacher institute : advancing sexual and reproductive health worldwide through research, policy analysis and public education

| cop. 1996-
  • Author(s):
  • Publisher: Guttmacher institute
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: reproductive health, maternal welfare, health education, women's rights
The Guttmacher Institute advances sexual and reproductive health worldwide through an interrelated program of social science research, public education and policy analysis.

Maternal and child health : healthy moms, healthy children, a better world

| cop. 1995-
  • Author(s):
  • Publisher: [Program for appropriate technology in health] (PATH)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: maternal and child health, maternal health services, women's rights
PATH is an international nonprofit organization that creates sustainable, culturally relevant solutions, enabling communities worldwide to break longstanding cycles of poor health.

Nepal : reaching the urban poor with family planning/HTSP messages

| ca. 2008]
  • Author(s):
  • Publisher: Extending service delivery (ESD) project [etc.
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: empowerment, reproductive health, maternal welfare, nepal
One of the lessons learned is that the exchange visits between mothers’ groups were particularly powerful. The interactions built community cohesion and empowered women to act collectively and individually toward better reproductive health outcomes.

ACQUIRE project (Access, quality, and use in reproductive health)

| ca. 2005-2008
  • Author(s):
  • Publisher: ACQUIRE project (Access, quality, and use in reproductive health)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: reproductive health, family planning
ACQUIRE stands for Access, Quality, and Use in Reproductive Health. The mandate of the project is to advance and support reproductive health (RH) and family planning (FP) services, focusing on facility-based care.

Every woman every child

| 2012-
  • Author(s):
  • Publisher: United nations foundation (UNF)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: information sources, maternal and child health
\"Every Woman Every Child\" is a global effort bringing together governments, the United Nations and multilateral organizations, civil society and non-governmental organizations, health-care workers and professionals, and academic and research institutions around the world.

About this portal

This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents. It shares examples of practical projects and initiatives that have been undertaken to contribute to Millennium Development Goal 5: Improving maternal health, particularly in developing countries. Find your resources in the database.