Maternal Health – Lessons Learned

Involving men in maternity care : South Africa

Kunene, Busi | 2004
  • Author(s): Kunene, Busi
  • Publisher: s.n.]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: maternal welfare, reproductive health, south africa
This paper reports on a clinic-based intervention in South Africa which focused on involving men in maternal health services.

Empowerment from within : what moves communities to reduce maternal and neonatal deaths? : report

Kusuma, Nyoman Wijaya and Sofiarini, Rahmi | ca. 2009]
  • Author(s): Kusuma, Nyoman Wijaya and Sofiarini, Rahmi
  • Publisher: s.n.
  • Pages: 81--92
  • Keywords: maternal and child health, maternal health services, community participation, indonesia
This document describes Project experience from NTB Province in determining what makes the community move in reducing maternal and neonatal deaths. “Community-based Alert System” by which villagers support each other in responding to maternal health emergencies.

Quality of antenatal care in Zambia : a national assessment

Kyei, Nicholas N.A. and Chansa, Collins and Gabrysch, Sabine | 2012
  • Author(s): Kyei, Nicholas N.A. and Chansa, Collins and Gabrysch, Sabine
  • Publisher: BioMed central
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: maternal health services, maternal and child health, zambia
In most Sub-Saharan African countries, high rates of ANC coverage coexist with high maternal and neonatal mortality. Authors developed a classification tool and assessed the level of ANC service provision at health facilities and compared this to the quality of ANC received by expectant mothers.

Reproductive health of H'mong people in Ha Giang province : medical anthropology perspective

Lam, Nguyen Tran | 2008
  • Author(s): Lam, Nguyen Tran
  • Publisher: UNFPA Viet Nam
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: gender, health personnel, health policy, maternal health services, maternal and child health, reproductive health, asia, latin america
This report gives insight into socio-cultural dynamics pertaining to women reproductive health. Recommendations are aimed at increasing access to reproductive health services by addressing affordability, staff training, policies, information, attitudes of service providers and gender inequalities.

Are women and providers satisfied with antenatal care? : views on a standard and a simplified, evidence-based model of care in four developing countries

Langer, Ana | 2002
  • Author(s): Langer, Ana
  • Publisher: BioMed central
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: prenatal care, reproductive health
This study assessed women and providers' satisfaction with a new evidence-based antenatal care (ANC) model within the WHO randomized trial conducted in four developing countries.

About this portal

This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents. It shares examples of practical projects and initiatives that have been undertaken to contribute to Millennium Development Goal 5: Improving maternal health, particularly in developing countries. Find your resources in the database.