mHealth in Low-Resource Settings

Lady health worker

Haig-Thomas, Dawn | [2008]
  • Author(s): Haig-Thomas, Dawn
  • Publisher: GSM association (GSMA) development fund
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: mobile telecommunication services, health education, maternal health services, maternal and child health, pakistan
To reduce maternal deaths in Pakistan, a pilot project equipped Lady Health Workers with mobile phones, enabling them to contact different sources - including district coordinators, supervisors, hospitals and ambulances.

Phones for health : a global public-private partnership to leverage the rapid growth of mobile phone networks in the developing world to help countries deliver health services more effectively

Hartley, Dawn and Meyer, Paul | 2007
  • Author(s): Hartley, Dawn and Meyer, Paul
  • Publisher: Accenture [etc.]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: mobile telecommunication services, health information, information systems, aids, nonprofit corporations, rwanda
A presentation on TRACnet, a real-time health information system for HIV/AIDS using mobile technology. The programme was implemented in Rwanda through a public-private partnership between governmental programmes, mobile network providers, and non-profit organizations.

Use of telephone and SMS reminders to improve attendance at hospital appointments : a systematic review

Hasvold, Per E. and Wootton, Richard | 2011
  • Author(s): Hasvold, Per E. and Wootton, Richard
  • Publisher: Royal society of medicine (RSM) press
  • Pages: 358--364
  • Keywords: behaviour modification, financial aspects, hospitals, mobile telecommunication services
A systematic review of studies providing a reminder to patients by phone, short message service (SMS) or automated phone calls was conducted. Although formal evidence of cost-effectiveness is lacking, the review suggest that hospitals should consider using automated reminders to improve attendance.

Impact assessment of ICT-for-development projects : a compendium of approaches

Heeks, Richard and Molla, Alemayehu | 2009
  • Author(s): Heeks, Richard and Molla, Alemayehu
  • Publisher: University of Manchester. Institute for development policy and management (IDPM)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: information technology, communication technology, evaluation, manuals, development
Large amounts of money are invested in ICT4D projects each year. Yet there is little sense of the actual effects. As this is also due to a lack of knowledge on how to undertake impact assessments, this compendium presents a set of assessment frameworks for ICT4D initiatives.

The innovative use of mobile applications in east Africa

Hellstrِm, Johan and Trِften, Per-Einar | 2010
  • Author(s): Hellstrِm, Johan and Trِften, Per-Einar
  • Publisher: Swedish international development cooperation agency (Sida)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: mobile telecommunication services, health services, developing countries, kenya, tanzania, rwanda, uganda
An overview of the current state of mobile phone use and services in East Africa, drawing on secondary data, statistics and field work. It outlines major trends and main obstacles for increased use as well as potential for scaling-up mobile applications, including the use in health care.

About this portal

This website aims to offer an up-to-date source of information and a platform for sharing knowledge on the current use, potentional and limitation of mHealth in low-resource settings.