mHealth in Low-Resource Settings

\"Even if you know everything you can forget\" : health worker perceptions of mobile phone text-messaging to improve malaria case-management in Kenya

Jones, Caroline O.H. | 2012
  • Author(s): Jones, Caroline O.H.
  • Publisher: Public library of science] (PLoS)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: public health, malaria, epidemiology, mobile telecommunication services, health personnel, kenya
This qualitative study investigates the perceptions and experiences of health workers involved in a controlled trial of a novel intervention (sending SMSs with 'motivating' quotes to health workers’ mobile phones) to improve health worker malaria case-management in health facilities in Kenya.

The Africa teledermatology project : preliminary experience with a sub-Saharan teledermatology and e-learning program

Kaddu, Steven | 2009
  • Author(s): Kaddu, Steven
  • Publisher: Mosby
  • Pages: 155--157
  • Keywords: dermatology, information technology, telecommunication, mobile telecommunication services, information exchange, africa
A telemedicine consultation network with the aim of linking a broad range of medical institutions in sub-Saharan Africa involved in treatment of skin diseases to more specialized dermatology units in Europe, the United States, and Australia.

Application of smart phone in \"better border healthcare program\" : a module for mother and child care

Kaewkungwal, Jaranit | 2010
  • Author(s): Kaewkungwal, Jaranit
  • Publisher: BioMed central
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: maternal and child health, mobile telecommunication services, disease prevention, communicable diseases, malaria, thailand
The project aimed to develop models for utilizing smart mobile phones as a health communication tool to improve antenatal care, to reduce child mortality through improved immunization, and to prevent disease incidence and to ensure treatment outcomes focusing on malaria.

The relationship among economic development, health, and the potential roles of mHealth

Kahn, James G. and Yang, Joshua and Kahn, James S. | 2008
  • Author(s): Kahn, James G. and Yang, Joshua and Kahn, James S.
  • Publisher: Rockefeller foundation]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: mobile telecommunication services, chronic diseases, communicable diseases, economic development, developing countries
A paper addressing the widespread epidemiological transition associated with economic development, challenges that health systems face in developing countries and the potential growth in mobile telecommunication in developing countries.

'Mobile' health needs and opportunities in developing countries

Kahn, James G. and Yang, Joshua S. and Kahn, James S. | 2010
  • Author(s): Kahn, James G. and Yang, Joshua S. and Kahn, James S.
  • Publisher: Project Hope
  • Pages: 252--258
  • Keywords: mobile telecommunication services, public health, health services, chronic diseases, communicable diseases, evaluation, developing countries
The authors examine the potential of mHealth applications in responding to the steady growth in the prevalence of chronic diseases in poor countries, along with a continued burden from communicable diseases. Positive examples as well as need of clinical and economic performance evaluation are found.

About this portal

This website aims to offer an up-to-date source of information and a platform for sharing knowledge on the current use, potentional and limitation of mHealth in low-resource settings.