Sunico, Florencio F. | 2011]
- Author(s): Sunico, Florencio F.
- Publisher: Author
- Pages: --
- Keywords: decentralization in government, basic services, local government, health, education, agricultural development, poverty alleviation, philippines
The provision of devolved basic services by local governments in Surigao del Norte, Philippines, is analysed, using data on health, education, welfare, agriculture and livelihoo. Two frameworks were used: the soufflé theory of decentralization by Parker, and the Local Government Code.
Suryahadi, Asep | 2010
- Author(s): Suryahadi, Asep
- Publisher: SMERU research institute
- Pages: --
- Keywords: decentralization in government, local government, popular participation, civil society, poverty alleviation, development strategies, indonesia
The roles of decentralization, local government, and civic participation in poverty alleviation in Indonesia are discussed in a wider context of national development programmes.
Sutcliffe, Michael and Bannister, Sue | [2011]
- Author(s): Sutcliffe, Michael and Bannister, Sue
- Publisher: United cities and local governments] (UCLG)
- Pages: --
- Keywords: sanitation, basic services, water supply, electric power, local government, roads, tanzania, libya, sudan, mauritania, congo-brazzaville
A study was conducted in Libya, Sudan, Mauritania, Congo (Brazzaville), and Tanzania on the governance and provision of basic services. The aim was to understand how service delivery can be improved and how local government meet challenges and improve access.
Suلrez, Sofيa Monsalve and Osorio, Leticia Marques and Langford, Malcolm | 2009
- Author(s): Suلrez, Sofيa Monsalve and Osorio, Leticia Marques and Langford, Malcolm
- Publisher: Food and agriculture organization of the United nations (FAO)
- Pages: --
- Keywords: land tenure, natural resources, governance, human rights, popular participation
This paper examines the FAO initiative to adopt guidelines for land and natural resources tenure from a civil society’s point of view, highlighting the role of a human rights framework to improve such a governance system and to make it accountable, transparent, democratic and participatory.
Swanson, Burton E. | 2006
- Author(s): Swanson, Burton E.
- Publisher: Association for international agricultural and extension education (AIAEE)]
- Pages: --
- Keywords: decentralization in government, agricultural extension, development strategies, private sector, small farms, india, china
This paper outlines the elements of a decentralized, market-driven extension strategy that has been tested and proven effective in increasing the income of small- and medium-scale farm households in China and India.