Hajjar, Reem F. and Kozak, Robert A. and Innes, John L. | 2012
- Author(s): Hajjar, Reem F. and Kozak, Robert A. and Innes, John L.
- Publisher: Resilience alliance
- Pages: --
- Keywords: decision-making, popular participation, forest management, decentralization in government, mexico, brazil
This study uses case studies of community forestry in Brazil and Mexico to examine the amount of decisionmaking power communities and smallholders have received over forest resources. Despite heavy regulation of extraction, communities have increasing control over day-to-day forest management.
Hambleton, Robin | 2011
- Author(s): Hambleton, Robin
- Publisher: University of technology Sydney (UTS)]
- Pages: 8--32
- Keywords: research, civil society, leadership, democracy, governance, urban areas, globalization, local government
Local governments across the world face challenges of globalisation and urbanisation. In many countries, a shift took place from ‘local government’ to ‘local governance’. To avoid undermining local democracy, place-based civic leadership must be given more attention, both in academe and practice.
Hamid, Shahid | [2013]
- Author(s): Hamid, Shahid
- Publisher: Islamabad policy research institute (IPRI)
- Pages: --
- Keywords: legal aspects, military government, constitutions, local government, pakistan
The significance of the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan to local government is examined and the legal changes for local government since independence are described. Effective provincial oversight as well as strengthened linkages between local governments should be encouraged.
Hanis, Muhammad Hasbi and Trigunarsyah, Bambang and Susilawati, Connie | cop. 2011
- Author(s): Hanis, Muhammad Hasbi and Trigunarsyah, Bambang and Susilawati, Connie
- Publisher: Emerald]
- Pages: --
- Keywords: local government, property, management, legal aspects, institutional infrastructure, indonesia
The problems faced by local government in applying a public asset management framework were examined, using a case from South Sulawesi, Indonesia. They include the absence of an institutional and legal framework, the non-profit principle of public assets, and the non-availability of data.
Hansen, Finn | 2007
- Author(s): Hansen, Finn
- Publisher: InWEnt]. Development partners working group on local governance and decentralisation (DPWG-LGD)
- Pages: --
- Keywords: decentralization in government, local government, governance, development assistance, nicaragua, central america
This study reviews experiences and strategies in harmonizing and increasing effectiviness in donor support to decentralization and local governance processes in Nicaragua. It identifies lessons learned and future perspectives.