Rural Innovation Systems

Linkages between farmer-oriented and formal research and development approaches

Sutherland, Alistair | 1999
  • Author(s): Sutherland, Alistair
  • Publisher: ODI
  • Pages: 1--7
  • Keywords: agricultural research, on-farm research, farmers, small farms, statistical methodology, kenya, tanzania, zimbabwe
Farmer-led and formal agricultural research are not mutually exclusive. A successful outcome will often involve a compromise to satisfy the interests and ideas of all stakeholders involved in the research.

Encouragement of effective research and development partnerships through a process of competitive funding in Nepal

Sutherland, J.A. | 2004
  • Author(s): Sutherland, J.A.
  • Publisher: National agricultural research organisation (NARO)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural research, funds, popular participation, contracts, competition, co-operation between organizations, poverty, rural areas, nepal
Criteria for the awarding of grants have been tailored to encourage multiple-stakeholder applications to address the demand-driven requirements of the rural poor. Examples of successful partnerships in Nepal are given.

Strengthening agricultural extension and advisory systems : procedures for assessing, transforming, and evaluating extension systems

Swanson, Burton E. and Rajalahti, Riikka | cop. 2010
  • Author(s): Swanson, Burton E. and Rajalahti, Riikka
  • Publisher: World bank
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural extension, advisory services, poverty, rural areas, development strategies, institutional infrastructure, small farms, private sector, public sector
This book provides information on how to transform pluralistic extension systems in moving toward poverty alleviation of smallholders. The primary focus is a comparative analysis of different extension strategies, organizational models, institutional innovations, and resource constraints.

The role of mediator organisations in the making of innovation systems in least developed countries : evidence from Tanzania

Szogs, Astrid | 2008
  • Author(s): Szogs, Astrid
  • Publisher: Lund university. Center for innovation, research and competence in the learning economy (CIRCLE)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: industrial development, innovations, transnational corporations, technology transfer, capacity building, private sector, research centres, tanzania, africa south of sahara
The potential application of knowledge spillovers from multinational companies to local enterprises in Tanzania is examined. Special attention is paid to the role of knowledge intermediaries such as research centres or universities.

The defining moments in Ethiopian seed system

Teklewold, Adefris | cop. 2012
  • Author(s): Teklewold, Adefris
  • Publisher: Ethiopian institute of agricultural research (EIAR)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: seed industry, agricultural research, seeds, africa
The book provides insights into the latest innovations in seed system R&D, evolving role and performance of the formal and informal seed sectors and the potential for their integration, and the political economic and institutional factors shaping national and regional seed policy and processes.

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This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on Rural Innovation Systems (RIS).