Rural Innovation Systems

RCPLA network E-Forum

| cop. 2003-
  • Author(s):
  • Publisher: Resource centres for participatory learning and action (RCPLA)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: capacity building, popular participation, information networks
In 2006, RCPLA (Resource Centers for Participatory Learning and Action) plan to host two e-mail discussions on different participatory themes. RCPLA members come from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

RCPLA network

| cop. 2003-
  • Author(s):
  • Publisher: Resource centres for participatory learning and action (RCPLA)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: empowerment, socially disadvantaged persons, popular participation, information networks, nongovernmental organizations, poverty alleviation
The RCPLA network is an alliance of seventeen different organizations, that promote the empowerment of the disadvantaged through participation in their own development, using Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) approaches.

PRGA : CGIAR systemwide program on participatory research and gender analysis

| cop. 2003-
  • Author(s):
  • Publisher: CGIAR
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural research, popular participation, women in development, gender mainstreaming, gender research
The CGIAR systemwide programme on PRGA develops and promotes methods and organizational approaches for gender-sensitive participatory research on plant breeding and on management of crops and natural resources.

Linking research and rural innovation to sustainable development : proceedings...

| cop. 2003
  • Author(s):
  • Publisher: Global forum on agricultural research (GFAR)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural innovations, agricultural research, popular participation, agricultural development
During the conference on research and rural innovation, sub-plenary sessions were held on rural knowledge systems and innovation processes, organizational partnerships for agricultural research, and innovative sustainable development policies.

The Neuchâtel initiative : developing common views on agricultural and rural extension

| cop. 2002-
  • Author(s):
  • Publisher: AGRIDEA [etc.]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural extension, development strategies, co-operation between organizations, development assistance
This Neuchatel Initiative attempts to develop a common view on agricultural and rural extension among a number of bilateral and multilateral development agencies involved in agricultural development.

About this portal

This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on Rural Innovation Systems (RIS).