Rural Innovation Systems

Concepts and methods of NIS approach in the context of less-developed economies

Gu, Shulin | 1999
  • Author(s): Gu, Shulin
  • Publisher: UNU/INTECH
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: development strategies, innovations, developing countries
The economic backwardness of less-developed countries is examined from an innovation systems (IS) perspective. Methodological issues in the application of the national IS approach to developing countries are outlined.

Feeding livestock through partnerships

Haan, Nicoline C. de | 2006
  • Author(s): Haan, Nicoline C. de
  • Publisher: KM4Dev community]
  • Pages: 123--135
  • Keywords: animal husbandry, feed supply, development projects, agricultural innovations, poverty alleviation, west africa, nigeria
A case study from Nigeria demonstrates that a technological approach with restricted institutional arrangements can limit the impact of fodder development on livelihoods. Hence, an innovation systems approach was adopted.

From degradation to innovation : the effect of support and funding on promoting local innovation in Kikandwa environmental association, Uganda

Hagen, Kim | 2008
  • Author(s): Hagen, Kim
  • Publisher: Vrije universiteit (VU). Faculteit der aard- en levenswetenschappen
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural innovations, small farms, rural development, environmental protection, development assistance, funds, east africa, uganda
The effects of support and funding given to promote local innovation in rural communities in Uganda (Kikandwa Environmental Association) are assessed. Only few innovators work on new innovations.

Learning to make change : developing innovation & change competence in Africa universities

Hagmann, Jürgen and Kibwika, Paul and Ekwamu, Adipala | 2007
  • Author(s): Hagmann, Jürgen and Kibwika, Paul and Ekwamu, Adipala
  • Publisher: Institute for people, innovation and change in organisations (PICOTEAM) [etc.]
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: universities and colleges, innovations, curriculum development, community participation, agricultural development, rural development, east africa, uganda
The mindsets and complementary skills among university lecturers at Makerere University, Uganda, were reoriented toward holistic and interactive learning, and impact oriented research and consultancy.

The impact of agricultural policies on smallholder innovation capacities : the case of household level irrigation development in two communities of Kilte Awlaelo woreda, Tigray regional state, Ethiopia

Hailu, Berhane | 2009
  • Author(s): Hailu, Berhane
  • Publisher: Wageningen university. Department of social sciences
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: technological innovations, technology transfer, irrigation, institutional infrastructure, popular participation, small farms, ethiopia
Agricultural innovation systems research among smallholders in Tigray, Ethiopia, demonstrated that top-down and linear approaches are obstacles not only in selecting suitable solutions but also to adopting practical technologies.

About this portal

This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on Rural Innovation Systems (RIS).