Rural Innovation Systems

Functions in innovation system approaches

Johnson, Anna | [ca. 2001]
  • Author(s): Johnson, Anna
  • Publisher: Chalmers university of technology. Department of industrial dynamics
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: development research, technological innovations, economic development
A number of common, basic functions can be identified in different innovation system approaches. These functions enable the assessment of system performance and can be used in comparative studies.

Innovation systems and developing countries : experiences from the SUDESCA project

Johnson, Bjِrn and Segura-Bonilla, Olman | 2001
  • Author(s): Johnson, Bjِrn and Segura-Bonilla, Olman
  • Publisher: Danish research unit for industrial dynamics (DRUID)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: capacity building, research, sustainable development, technological innovations, central america
Difficulties of knowledge transfer between North and South are linked to contradictions in a globalizing learning economy. The innovation systems approach is shown to be suitable for use in developing countries.

Key challenges for technology development and agricultural research in Africa

Jones, Monty | 2005
  • Author(s): Jones, Monty
  • Publisher: University of Sussex. Institute of development studies (IDS)
  • Pages: 46--51
  • Keywords: agricultural research, research and development, development strategies, food security, poverty alleviation, africa south of sahara
NEPAD's Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme(CAADP) provides a framework for enhancing the impact of agricultural research and development on on poverty reduction and food security.

Promoting inclusion of civil society organizations (CSOs) in African agricultural research and development

Jones, M.P. and Sanyang, Sidi | 2007
  • Author(s): Jones, M.P. and Sanyang, Sidi
  • Publisher: University of Sussex. Institute of development studies. Future agricultures
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural research, decision-making, popular participation, farmers associations, agribusiness, nongovernmental organizations, africa south of sahara
The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa attempts to address the challenges in effectively engaging three types of key stakeholder organizations (farmers' organizations, agribusiness, and NGOs) in agricultural research.

Seeding new African agricultural universities

Juma, Calestous | 2012
  • Author(s): Juma, Calestous
  • Publisher: The Nordic African institute (NAI)
  • Pages: --
  • Keywords: agricultural research, education, universities and colleges, africa
The author proposes an alternative approach involving the creation of agricultural universities under the relevant line ministries. The new institutions would work closely with farmers and agribusiness which would be a source of ideas on curricula, pedagogy, choice of students and location.

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This information portal provides access to selected free, full-text electronic documents on Rural Innovation Systems (RIS).