Reardon, Thomas and Timmer, C. Peter and Berdegue, Julio A. | 2003
- Author(s): Reardon, Thomas and Timmer, C. Peter and Berdegue, Julio A.
- Publisher: Michigan state university [etc.]
- Pages: --
- Keywords: agribusiness, fruit, vegetables, standards, retail trade, purchasing, trade structure, asia, latin america
Examines the effects of changes in Asian and Latin-American supermarket procurement on fruit and vegetable markets and trade at present and in the future. Also discusses emerging public policy issues.
Rebosio, Guillermo and Gammage, Sarah and Manfre, Cristina | 2007
- Author(s): Rebosio, Guillermo and Gammage, Sarah and Manfre, Cristina
- Publisher: USAID
- Pages: --
- Keywords: agricultural product marketing, vegetables, poverty alleviation, gender, working conditions, latin america, peru
A pro-poor and gender-sensitive analysis is used to examine the nature of production, the employment conditions, and the relationships between various actors in the artichoke value chain of Peru.
Ricketts, Katie | 2010
- Author(s): Ricketts, Katie
- Publisher: CGIAR]
- Pages: --
- Keywords: agribusiness, small enterprises, enterprise development, development strategies, poverty alleviation, latin america
This conference presentation outlines how development organizations reduce poverty and support small and growing business involved in agribusiness in developing countries in Latin America.
Riisgaard, Lone | 2008
- Author(s): Riisgaard, Lone
- Publisher: Danish institute for international studies (DIIS)
- Pages: --
- Keywords: agribusiness, small farms, small enterprises, agricultural contracts, poverty, environment, gender, economic analysis, east africa, uganda
A practical guide for designing and implementing action research in value chains in a way that integrates poverty, environmental and gender concerns with a focus on small farms and small enterprises.
Riisgaard, Lone and Escobar Fibla, Anna Maria and Ponte, Stefano | 2010
- Author(s): Riisgaard, Lone and Escobar Fibla, Anna Maria and Ponte, Stefano
- Publisher: Ministry of foreign affairs of Denmark. Evaluation department
- Pages: --
- Keywords: agricultural product marketing, gender, women, development strategies
The report, commissioned by the Evaluation Department of DANIDA, examines which gender issues are important when and where in value chains, focusing on development interventions that explicitly or implicitly employ a value chain approach.