Science and Technology
Project Duration: 2 years
Start/End Date: April 2009 to June 2011
With direct involvement of Muslim youth, financial support from the Government of Canada's Multiculturalism Program and under the direction of the Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW), the purpose of the My Canada Project is to develop a coordinated strategy that will provide opportunities for Muslim youth to strengthen their Canadian Muslim identities and increase their participation in the civic life of their communities. The My Canada Project will not be delivering social services but rather educational materials and web tools that serve to open up new spaces for a particular kind of dialogue on what it means to be Canadian Muslims.
Partnering Organization(s):
Afghan Women's Organization (AWO) and YOUCAN
Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW)
Le Conseil canadien des femmes musulmanes
info@ccmw.com 613.382-2847
Alia Hogben, Executive Director, 613.382.2847
CCMW was founded in 1982, when Muslim women from across Canada attended the founding conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba. CCMW is a national organization with chapters across the country dedicated to achieving equity, equality, and empowerment of Muslim women. The national board works to further CCMW's vision and objectives countrywide, while local chapters are active in their communities. CCMW believes that Muslim women must develop their Muslim identity while being a part of and making a positive contribution to Canadian society, and that they must provide positive role models for Muslim youth.
Project Mission: The empowerment of Canadian Muslim youth
Project Objective(s): To strengthen the plural identities of Canadian Muslim youth and increase their participation in the civic life of their communities.
Target group(s): Muslim youth in Canada aged 16-25
Geographical scope(s) of project: National
Countries involved: Canada
One page summary: Attached
Achievements/progress to date: National strategic planning forum held, strategic plan/forum report produced in English and French, 65 youth from 14 cities coast to coast have signed on to work on the project, leadership training of those youth completed in spring 2010, toolkit and video development progressing on schedule for completion in late summer 2010.
Contact person for the project:
Alia Hogben, Executive Director of CCMW, 613.382.2847 or Rizwan Mohammad, Project Coordinator, 416.908.4758