Articles (Invention and Innovation)

A World Without Internet
(Computers and Information Technology)

Those born in the 20th century know well the life with and without the internet, but younger generations depend on it on a daily basis.

Biodiversity: A Long Evolutionary Road!
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Earth today, with all the biological richness we feel around us, is the result of 4 billion years of evolution. 

Promising Inventions by Young Inventors of Today
(Inventions and Innovations)

We need not worry, as the future generation of young innovators may change the world.

Beyond Walls
(Computers and Information Technology)

Some production activities have historically taken the form of bringing groups of individuals together for specific projects.

Waste into Energy: Two Birds...One Stone
(Physical and Chemical Sciences)

On a planet encountering so many enormous challenges as ours, it is inevitable that humans would strive to figure out ingenious solutions.

Laser Vision Correction Surgeries
(Health and Diseases)

Eyeglasses, followed by contact lenses, have been the most common vision correction option; however, over the past years, other options have evolved.

2018 Nobel Prize: Immunity and Cancer Cure
(Health and Diseases)

In 2018, Professor James P. Allison and Professor Tasuku Honjo were jointly granted the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their developing a non-conventional cure for cancer.

Bio-Art: Science and Art in Harmony
(Science in Arts and Culture)

Art and science have been in harmony throughout the ages, contributing to achieve sometimes interesting and strange results; Bio-art is one example of them.

Architecture: The Ultimate Union of Science and Art
(Science in Arts and Culture)

Architecture has always been a reflection of the evolution of not only mankind and human nature, but also of science and technology.

Marie Curie; Up Close and Personal
(Inventions and Innovations)

Marie Skłodowska, known today as Madame Curie, was born in Warsaw, Poland, on 7 November 1867. 

Inventions that Make Our Day: Razors, Coffee, and Zippers
(Inventions and Innovations)

From the moment you wake up till you go to bed at night; do you ever stop to think about all the inventions you used during the day, and will continue to use every day? (Razors, Coffee, and the Zipper)

The Toilet: The One Invention No One Can Do Without
(Inventions and Innovations)

The idea that Mr. Thomas Crapper invented the first toilet in the 18th century is a common misconception. The fact is simple toilets have been used since Babylonian times. However, in 1596, Sir John Harrington, the poet and godson of Queen Elizabeth I, invented an indoor water closet that apparently had most of the basic features of today’s restroom, even a flush toilet. However, the invention was largely ignored by the rest of society.

The Elusive Genius: Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto
(Inventions and Innovations)

For years, the genius mathematician responsible for the creation of Bitcoin—the first ever digital cryptocurrency—remained unknown. 

The Invention of Printing: Spread the Word!
(Inventions and Innovations)

Throughout history, people have invented many machines that forever changed the world; the Gutenberg Printing Press is one of them.

The Pen: Transporter of Knowledge
(Inventions and Innovations)

No doubt that writing is part and parcel of the human pursuit of knowledge. Teaching, learning, and documenting sciences have all depended on it. 

Animal Testing
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Laboratory animals are most commonly used in biomedical research, education, and product safety testing. 

Silver Lining
(Physical and Chemical Sciences)

In Laymen terms, silver is classified among precious metals, which are attractive but not very chemically active.

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SCIplanet is a bilingual edutainment science magazine published by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center and developed by the Cultural Outreach Publications Unit ...
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