
Climate Change: the Downfall of Mother Earth
(Earth Sciences)

For many reasons, global warming is not a subject that everyone agrees on. Nevertheless, is it a risk we can afford to take?

The Art of Education
(Education, Business, and Society)

Not only is art a healthy channel of expression, simple creative activities are some of the building blocks of child development.

Experimenting in Space: A Brief History
(Astronomy and Space Sciences)

The idea of space experiments is far from fictional, with the very first experiments in space carried out as early as 1971.

Do's and Don'ts for Diabetics Fasting during Ramadan
(Health and Diseases)

Is fasting safe for diabetics? If the answer is yes, then what are the rules they should follow so it does not affect their health negatively?

Doping in Sports
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

Performance-enhancing substances are strictly banned in sporting events; however, things have not always been the same.

Health-Tech Gadgets: Healthcare Texting
(Health and Diseases)

Using simple tools, such as mobiles that people already own, they could boost people's chances of having better access to health care, and improving their quality of life.

Food Misconceptions
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

People share and pass on many misconceptions about various eating habits; let us view some of them and discuss them in search for the truth.

A Healthier Ramadan
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

Ramadan is a great opportunity to boost health benefits related to fasting; so how could Ramadan serve as a chance toward a better lifestyle?

Facts and Myths of Pregnancy
(Human Body)

Every woman is thrilled when she learns that she is pregnant, but common misconceptions can help anxiety sneak into her.

The Lunar Effect: Fact or Fiction?
(Health and Diseases)

Some legends say that the full Moon brings out the worst in people, causing them to act strangely, but does it have this power?

Mankind and Nature: A Story of Fear and Knowledge
(Inventions and Innovations)

The story of nature and mankind is a long one; it is a story that started with fear and ended with better understanding of nature.

Rachel Carson and the Silent Spring
(Inventions and Innovations)

Marine biologist Rachel Carson is one of the finest nature writers of the 20th c. who challenged that humans could obtain mastery over nature.

Samia Eltemtamy: An Egyptian Scientist and Pioneer of Human Genetics
(Inventions and Innovations)

Children suffering from severe cases attracted Prof. Samia's attention, and she realized that genetics is the key to solving these mysteries.

And Then She Changed the World
(Inventions and Innovations)

Women have played a great role with inventions that have helped further develop the world as we know it, a few of their inventions are presented.

The Incredibles
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Our ecosystems consist of armies of creatures; without their presence the whole ecosystem will collapse.

Big Data for Sustainable Development
(Computers and Information Technology)

A lot of Big Data is being collected around the world; targeting achieving sustainable development goals for a better world and human life.

Archeology from Space
(Earth Sciences)

Satellite Archaeology is a method for mapping and monitoring potential archaeological sites using high resolution satellites.

What Do You Know about Face Blindness (Prosopagnosia)?
(Health and Diseases)

A neurological disorder causes a person to not recognize or distinguish faces; not related to memory loss, vision impairment or disabilities.

The Life and Death of Language
(Education, Business, and Society)

We express and communicate our thoughts to others through language; some people say you are not born into a culture but into a language.

COVID-19: Bringing Inequality to the Forefront
(Health and Diseases)

The pandemic has highlighted all the problems and inequalities that have been plaguing the world; it has affected the rich and poor  differently.

About Us

SCIplanet is a bilingual edutainment science magazine published by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center and developed by the Cultural Outreach Publications Unit ...
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