Google Web Search – filetype:ppt
117,725 Total for “Environmental Health”
26,100 for "Air Quality"
3,340 for "Disaster Preparedness"
20,700 for "Drinking Water"
7,670 for "Emergency Preparedness"
12,700 for "Environmental Health"
13,100 for "Food Safety" OR "Food Protection"
157 for "Hazardous Materials Management" OR "Toxic Substances Management"
4,710 for "Occupational Safety and Health"
919 for "Vector Control" +Disease
629 for "Wastewater Management"
27,700 for "Water Pollution Control" OR "Water Quality"
The index of academic disciplines used in the Scientific Supercourse
on Environmental Health is modeled after the disciplines used by the
Journal of Enviromental Health
Subject to