STATS MATHEMATICS Google Web Search (filetype:ppt
34,012 for Mathematics
29 for "Actuarial science"
2 for "Affine geometry"
5,010 for "Algebra"
8 for "Algebraic geometry"
1 for "Algebraic number theory"
3 for "Algebraic topology"
244 for "Applied mathematics"
14 for "Approximation theory"
1 for "Associative algebra"
2,680 for "Calculus"
12 for "Category theory"
278 for "Chaos theory"
66 for "Coding theory"
74 for "Combinatorics"
87 for "Complex analysis"
11 for "Computational complexity theory"
0 for "Convex geometry"
1,950 for "Cryptography"
665 for "Demography"
0 for "Differential algebra"
16 for "Differential geometry"
3 for "Differential topology"
2 for "Discrete geometry"
9 for "Dynamical systems theory"
3 for "Ergodic theory"
131 for "Field theory"
385 for "Fractal"
13 for "Functional analysis" mathematical
496 for "Game theory"
7 for "General topology"
0 for "Geometric Number theory"
2 for "Geometric topology"
8,900 for "Geometry" OR "Topology"
100 for "Graph theory"
47 for "Group representation"
68 for "Group theory"
39 for "Harmonic analysis"
1 for "Homological algebra"
265 for "Information theory"
6 for "Intuitionistic logic"
9 for "Lattice theory"
3 for "Lie algebra"
166 for "Linear algebra"
532 for "Linear programming"
141 for "Mathematical analysis"
42 for "Mathematical logic"
21 for "Mathematical optimization"
30 for "Mathematical physics"
552 for "Mathematical statistics"
8,350 for "Mathematics"
7 for "Measure theory"
24 for "Modal logic"
71 for "Model theory"
0 for "Multilinear algebra"
12 for "Non-Euclidean geometry"
1 for "Non-standard analysis"
86 for "Number theory"
98 for "Numerical analysis"
444 for "Operations research"
2 for "Operator theory"
20 for "Ordinary differential equation"
32 for "Partial differential equation"
136 for "Probability theory"
11 for "Projective geometry"
13 for "Proof theory"
30 for "Quantum field theory"
33 for "Real analysis"
2 for "Recursion theory"
0 for "Ring theory"
124 for "Set theory"
57 for "Statistical mechanics"
1,220 for "Statistics" mathematical
80 for "Stochastic process"
32 for "Theory of computation"
3 for "Universal algebra"
The index of academic disciplines used in the Scientific Supercourse is derived from Wikipedia's List of All Academic Disciplines at
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