![](img008.GIF) |
Health indicator |
Provincial |
National |
Population growth rate |
2.36 |
1.58 |
Gross fertility rate |
2.4 |
2 |
Gross death rate |
4.3 |
4.4 |
Infant mortality rate |
17.9/1000 |
18.1/1000 |
Under 5 mortality rate |
35.4/1000 |
32.3/1000 |
Maternal Mortality Rate (Rural) |
53/100,000 |
35/100,000 |
Population above 65 years of age |
5.3% |
5.5% |
Exclusive breast feeding up to 6 months |
35% |
44.1% |
Households with access to safe drinking water
89% |
93% |
Households with access to sanitary toilets |
42.8% |
36.3% |