Scientific Supercourse

with Arabic lectures

"One of the greatest gifts we can give to another generation is our experiences, our wisdom"    Desmond Tutu

The Library of Alexandria Supercourse represents the collection of over 1,000,000 PowerPoint  academic lectures categorized into the disciplines of Science. Educators  borrow slides to improve their teaching.

WHO Collaborating Centre, University of Pittsburgh

Legacy lectures

Nobel Prize winners (13)

NAS Members (84)

IOM Members (73)


Library of Alexandria, Alexandria

Library of Alexandria Scientific SuperCourse

Academic PowerPoint Lectures by Discipline

Total number of links to Arabic Scientific lectures - 41


 3 Arabic pages for الزّراعة             - Agriculture

12 Arabic pages for  الهندسة          - Engineering

 14 Arabic pages for البيئة           - Enviroment

  1 Arabic pages for "علم الصحة"   - Health Science

11 Arabic pages for الصحة            - Health

41 for ARABIC (العربيّة) Total (filetype:ppt site:edu)

The core idea is to empower local teachers to present the best and most recent science to their students by drawing on the best available PowerPoint lectures. Our aim is to offer science as one reference point and let the students integrate with the help of his/her local teacher this knowledge in the context of his/her specific discipline


AAAS Annual Meeting, 14–18 February, 2008  Boston

Biovision Alexandria 2008 12-16 April, 2008, Alexandria

General Committee of Experts

Main board

BA group



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This page in English

How to create SuperCourse DVD or create the SuperCourse MIrrorred server