PPT Slide
- Telemedicine is a common thread
- Telemedicine critical to AF/SG future
IM /IT permeates the whole PARTENON The PIC(MEDITAG)will carry all the personal data,the location where the serviceman has been and all the medical data in electronic milieu).Backup medical record ,increase security of the in a CYBERWARFARE scenario
I-will serve has mobile medical record and should take us out the mobility processing like and avoid a crisis such as the Gulf war Syndrome(Info before during and after)
Informatics must satisfy the needs of the users from the IDMT to the Surgeon General ,from the serviceman to the Commander in Chief
e.g. The line commander knows at all times which of his troops are instantly ready to deploy
The advent of Nanotechnology will tell us when and where the serviceman is exposed to BW/CW personnel dosimeter
New state of the art technology
Webb Browser approach do not need to upgrade pc and software every 18 months done centrally enhances standardization. ADS can be replaced by the Clinical Browser (no more bubble sheets)
Voice recognition no keyboard no mouse…Note pad with radio transmission such as Fujitsu 1200.
Common system DOD V.A Indian Affairs