Tom Jefferson qualified in 1979 from Pisa University in
Italy and joined the British Army in 1981. After 5 years
as a family doctor in Hong Kong, the Falklands and the
United Kingdom he fled to Public Health. He is at present
Edmund Parkes Professor of Preventive Medicine at the Royal
Defence Medical College in Gosport, England, Head of the Army
Health Unit in Aldershot and Coordinator of of the Cochrane
Vaccines Field. Tom developed an interest in health economics
and economic evaluation during his Master of Science course in
Public Health in the 1980s and has since published numerous
evaluations and written an introductory book on the subject:
Jefferson T O, Demicheli V, Mugford M. Elementary Economic
Evaluation in Health Care. London: BMJ Books 1996. This lecture
is based on the first two chapters of the book.
Tom’s current work is aimed at developing the relationship
between effectiveness and efficiency through the means of
Cochrane reviews and co-editing a book on peer-review. Tom’s
hobbies include Alfa Romeos and opera.