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- Whilst the "pillars" of e health have been developed - each area can
no longer be looked at in isolation
- Diagram captures only some of the dynamics of e health - serves to
illustrate to complexity of the health care system
- E health is a large scale multi disciplined programme that requires
integration of diverse systems.
- "Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly" - Martin
Luther King.
- Systems are usually linked directly or indirectly which demands a
logistical and technical interface for Command control and communication.
- (BAE expertise!)
- Heart of systems integration lies in the ability to model not just the
individual components which make up a capability, but also how all those
components operate in unison - e.g….reducing bed space in UCH may mean
increase in transport/ community care?
- Creating and moving one of the largest systems of any government will
be achieved efficiently through strategic partnerships.
- Must be human centred and requirement driven