The average
WT for men was 60.6 kg, and for women 52.9 kg. The average HT for men was
168 cm, and for women 156 cm. The soldiers measured by Romero (1959) had
averages 59.9 kg and 166.9 cm. The Ramos-Galván (1975) data are just the
same. Using the data of Earl & Villareal (1980) from
the schoolchildren of Sabinas Hidalgo, NL, the weights of boys rises
cubically and those of girls quadratically as W = 18.5 + 0.0105 AGE cubed
for boys, and W = 12.4 + 0.1732 AGE squared for girls. These respective
equations are W = a + b (AGE)3 and W = 12.4 + b (AGE)2.