studies around the world have consistently revealed excess, early, and
extensive CHD in persons of South Asian origin. The excess mortality has not
been fully explained by the major conventional risk factors in
cross-sectional comparisons with other population groups. Diabetes mellitus
and impaired glucose tolerance are, however, highly prevalent in South Asian
migrants. Central obesity, high levels of triglycerides, and low levels of
HDL cholesterol, with or without glucose intolerance, seem to characterize a
phenotype frequently noted among South Asian migrants.
Thus, South Asians in urban and migrant environments may be
at a higher risk of CHD due to the confluence of (1) genetic factors that
predispose to higher lipoprotein(a) levels, the central obesity/glucose
intolerance/dyslipidemia complex collectively labeled as the "metabolic
syndrome," and a possible "thrifty gene" effect with (2) environmental
influences that lead to weight gain, rise in plasma cholesterol and blood
pressure levels, and, as yet inadequately studied, probable psychosocial
risk factors. |