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A Call for Action to support at-risk, displaced and refugee scientists. Launch of the Science in Exile Declaration

10 Apr 2022

On 20 April 2022 the Science in Exile initiative will launch the Science in Exile Declaration “Supporting at-risk, displaced and refugee scientists: A call to action”.

The Declaration outlines key commitments necessary at global level for both immediate and long-term support and protection to scholars and scientists who are at-risk, displaced or refugees, so as to build a better future for them, science and society at large.

During the online event, internationally renowned advocates for science and peace, displaced scientists, and organizations supporting at-risk, displaced and refugee scholars will present the Science in Exile Declaration and discuss its six Articles of Commitment.

This launch event will also mark the start of a period during which interested organizations can register their support for the Declaration.


20 April 2022, 1.00 - 3.00 p.m. Rome time

Register for the event at


All details on the event on the Science in Exile website.