On 20 April 2022 the Science in Exile initiative will launch the Science in Exile Declaration “Supporting at-risk, displaced and refugee scientists: A call to action”.
The Declaration outlines key commitments necessary at global level for both immediate and long-term support and protection to scholars and scientists who are at-risk, displaced or refugees, so as to build a better future for them, science and society at large.
During the online event, internationally renowned advocates for science and peace, displaced scientists, and organizations supporting at-risk, displaced and refugee scholars will present the Science in Exile Declaration and discuss its six Articles of Commitment.
This launch event will also mark the start of a period during which interested organizations can register their support for the Declaration.
20 April 2022, 1.00 - 3.00 p.m. Rome time
Register for the event at https://unesco-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HNt90Eg0SG-v9d3Nn-6m2Q
All details on the event on the Science in Exile website.