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Fuad Ameen

Associate professor


King Saud University


Saudi Arabia

Nomination Year:

From 2022 To 2027


Dr. Fuad Ameen is an associate professor and researcher at the Department of Botany and Microbiology, college of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh , Saudi Arabia. He is in the top 2% Stanford list for highly cited scientists. He graduated his Ph.D. on biodegradation of urban waste by mangrove fungi from King Saud University, Saudi Arabia 2016. In addition; he had served as a researcher in different places in the field of biotechnology and applied microbiology. After that, he has been involved in many kinds of projects, many of them dealing with new solutions to treat the polluted sites. He has collected and studied microbial strains from arid and marine ecosystems with indicating to its ability to biodegrade the most common pollutants, and his program of research on these organisms has taken him to many places and to examples of every major type of terrestrial and marine bioecosystems. He is the author or coauthor of 220 book chapters and papers in peer-reviewed journals. He is serving as an editor or coeditor for many WOS journals.