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Ahmed Al-Amiery



Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment



Nomination Year:

From 2014 To 2018


Ahmed A. Al-Amiery (SCOPUS h-index = 50) is a distinguished professor at the University of Technology and former head of the Energy and Renewable Energies Technology Center at the University of Technology in Baghdad, Iraq. With an illustrious career, Prof. Al-Amiery has made remarkable contributions to the field of applied chemistry, particularly in the synthesis of organic molecules and their applications as corrosion inhibitors, antioxidants, scavengers, antimicrobials, and anti-cancer agents. Prof. Al-Amiery’s expertise is widely recognized internationally, and he has an extensive publication record, with over 300 scientific papers and projects to his name. He has also obtained 26 patents for his innovative research. As an esteemed editor, he has played a significant role in advancing scientific knowledge through various journals. Noteworthy among Prof. Al-Amiery’s recent achievements is his publication on the utilization of novel coumarin derivatives as corrosion inhibitors. His research has not only expanded the understanding of corrosion mitigation but has also paved the way for novel and effective preventive measures. Apart from his academic role, Prof. Al-Amiery is associated with the Environmental Research Center at the University of Technology and holds the position of visiting professor at the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He completed his post-doctoral studies at the same institution. Prof. Al-Amiery’s dedication to excellence has been duly recognized with several prestigious awards. He received the Medal of Scientific Excellence in 2014 and received science day awards from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for nine consecutive years from 2010 to 2018. He was selected for the Who’s Who of international executives in 2015 and was recognized by the University of Cambridge as having one of the best mentalities in the world in 2016. As a TWAS-Young Affiliate, he continues to contribute to the advancement of science on a global scale. Furthermore, Prof. Al-Amiery’s exceptional contributions have earned him consistent recognition by Stanford University. He has been listed as one of the top scientists in the world in 2020, 2021, and 2022, solidifying his reputation as one of the leading experts in his field. His remarkable achievements have also led to his recognition as having one of the best careers in the world. Prof. Ahmed Al-Amiery’s exceptional expertise, extensive research contributions, and commitment to advancing the field of applied chemistry have made him a highly respected figure in academia and the scientific community at large.