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Professor Mohammad Ahmad Hamdan, TWAS Vice President for the Arab Region passed away on 4 February.

04 Feb 2020

Professor Mohammad Ahmad Hamdan, TWAS Vice President for the Arab Region passed away on 4 February 2020. Professor Hemdan served also as a Senior Advisor of the Arab Open University, a Senator at the Upper House of Parliament in Jordan, Vice President of Jordan Academy of Arabic Language, and President of the Union of Arab Statisticians. He was also President of two public universities in Jordan: the Yarmouk University and the  Hashemite University. As announced on TWAS website: "A few months before his passing, in December 2019, Prof. Hamdan permanently linked his name to TWAS's, endowing a large sum to the Academy, to establish a prize in his name, making his donation the single largest by a TWAS Fellow". May his soul rests in peace.