
LYM Session - 14 August 2011
14 August 2011

 The moderator, our colleague, Ahmed Fathi started the session welcoming the attendees and wishing them a blessed Ramadan, and then introduced the presenters of the day.

Amira Wagdi and Esraa Abdel Karim  gave a presentation entitled “Dandruff”. The presentation tackled the explanation of what dandruff is, the causes of dandruff, the factors that contribute to its increase, and its treatments.

The second presentation was by Esraa Salah Eldin and it was entitled “Nuclear Reactors”. In this presentation Esraa explained the  structure of  nuclear reactors, using nuclear energy, statistics on the number of nuclear reactors in many countries around the world in the past, present, and the number expected in the future.

Each of the presentations was followed by an open discussion in which the presenters, the attendees and Dr. Salah Soliman exchanged views about the topics presented.