
LYM Session - 26 December 2010
26 December 2010

 This meeting started with Prof. Salah Soliman announcing the “Biodiversity and Climate Change” seminar held at the BA on the 27th of December. After that, he introduced Eslam Ramadan who gave a presentation entitled “The Arab Youth”. Eslam tackled different defects in the Arab youth attitude that hinder them from progressing. He also showed two videos that carry messages to the youth that should trigger their wills and positive actions.

Then, Karim Soliman gave a presentation about “Neuroscience” through which he introduced this relatively new science to the audience. He described the complications of the neurons and their functions in the human brain and compared it to the physical fragility of the brain. He also stated that the ancient Egyptians were the first to tackle this science and that this is documented in the works of some scientists. Karim then compared neuroscience with the NLP and showed the differences between both.

We wish you the best of luck in your exams and regret that we will not meet you for the coming four weeks until you finish. We will proceed our meetings on the 30th of January 2011.