
LYM Session - 9 August 2009
09 August 2009

Today's meeting was very distinguished; it was the launch of the series of lectures that aims to increase Youth awareness about climate change given by a league of Egyptian environmental experts and activists.

The meeting started with Dr. Salah Soliman welcoming the attendees and introducing the campaign with an opening speech by Dr. Manal El Batran who demonstrated the objectives of the campaign which is mainly increasing awareness of youth about Climate Change, especially that Egypt was ranked as one of the countries that will be severely affected by its consequences. She also announced that there will be regular contests to measure the degree of responsiveness of the audience to the lectures.

After that, Dr. Salah gave the first lecture entitled “The Role of Youth in challenging Climate Change”. The presentation discussed the issue of global warming; its reasons, how it happens, the difference between global warming and climate change, the deadly consequences of global warming and the existing evidence proving that global warming is already in occurrence as melting of the ice in some areas and the dryness of some rivers. Then, he demonstrated that if we didn’t take any action to stop or at least reduce this, the whole globe will be suffering the consequences of global warming and hence he started how simple things we can all do would help reduce global warming. These included the rational use of energy in houses. Finally, he mentioned that we must take action today to stop this global crisis from expanding.

Then, Sarah El Shater gave a presentation about the same subject from the perspective of youth; their role in facing this global issue away from leaders’ conferences and agreements and she displayed different youth acts and activities in favor of global warming.

Our last presentation was about our project “Family House” presented by Maha Fawzy; she displayed the progress that was achieved by the project team in the chosen house in Abees 4 village, she also called for more volunteers to join the project team and called for all kinds of participation for achieving the objectives of the project.

 Finally, Kareem Salah announced the "Complementary and Alternative Medicine" workshop, which will be on Sunday 16.8 at 12 pm.