
LYM Session - 12 July 2009
12 July 2009

Our last meeting started with Dr. Salah Soliman welcoming the attendees and introducing “The Family House” project which aims at developing a rural house to make it a model for developing rural areas. He also discussed the water issue and how water shortage will increase in the coming years and will affect the next generations and that the only way to face this is to alter our consumption pattern.  

After that, Esraa Ateya gave the first presentation entitled “Egypt vs USA”; the presentation held a comparison between the two countries through discussing Egypt’s defeat in 1967 and September 11th attacks in the USA, the consequences of each of these crisis and how it affected each country and how it dealt with it.

Then, Mohamed Mobarak announced the celebration of “El Safwa” groups of different colleges that will be held next Thursday in Bibliotheca Alexandrina.  The last presentation “Listening Skills” was presented by Amr Tawfik ; he discussed listening problems, theory of communication, problems that result from poor listening skills like daydreaming and false attention, barriers to listening and ways to become good listeners like maintaining eye contact and giving feedback.