
LYM session - 5 ِAug 2012
05 August 2012


In our LYM session yesterday, our colleague Dr.Salah Soliman gave a presentation entitled “At the Story" in which Definition of global warming, why and how it happens?, What is the difference between global warming and climate change . Then our colleagues Rwan Mahmoud, Moamn Adel, Asmaa Elsayed, Kafaa Basam, Adel Mohamed gave a presentation entitled "Separation of garbage at source" in which Campaign for separation from the source in Egypt and abroad, clean up the garbage from the street and talked about other campaigns and the difference between us and them.   The presentations were followed by discussions between the audience and Dr. Salah Soliman, BA- Advisor of Director the session was moderated by Ahmed Aoatb from the Faculty of  Veterinary Medicine .