Asmaa Abdel Gawad
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Kick AIDS Out
Asmaa is a 6th year medical student at Al-Azhar University and has been in the volunteering work since 2003, tackling with her friends a variety of public health issues, with a focus on sexuality and HIV/AIDS.
In August 2008, she participated in the World Youth Congress in Quebec as one of the mini-grant winners who received a scholarship to attend this international conference.
Despite the fact that there are a lot of programs and campaigns which work on HIV/AIDS, Asmaa sees that her project "Kick HIV/AIDS Out" doesn't only focus on training and capacity building for people working in the HIV/AIDS field, but exceeds that to positively supporting those living with HIV/AIDS and sending them practical messages that state "We are with you"; especially since they are facing discrimination and stigma, she considers her project as a step towards changing this attitude.