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Topic:  Exceptions and Limitations (E&L) - الاستثناءات والقيود
by: anas
Joined: 30/3/2008
Posts: 0


  • Are you aware of Exception and Limitations provisions in copyright laws?
  • How would E&L benefit developing countries
  • Do you think that E&L contribute to the development of copyright culture in developing countries?

Do you know any successful models for E&L in developing countries?


  • هل تعرف ما هي الاستثناءات والقيود في قوانين حماية الملكية الفكرية؟
  • كيف يمكن للدول النامية أن تستفيد من هذه الاستثناءات والقيود؟
  • هل تعتقد بأن الاستثناءات والقيود قد تسهم في بناء ثقافة احترام حقوق الملكية الفكرية في الدول النامية ؟
  • هل تعرف أية نماذج ناجحة لتطبيق الاستثناءات والقيود في الدول النامية؟


Joined: 02/02/2010
Posts: 1
Monday February 15, 2010
@ 05:50 PM
well establish system is required!!

Certain system which is acceptable all over the world, nobody can interact or come up with the rules laid & furnished for the copyright infringement, a particular website possible should be banned or hacked completely by the authorised system which breaks the law


Joined: 10/02/2010
Posts: 2

Wednesday February 10, 2010
@ 02:51 PM

I gefungen here a good article at Wikipedia for "Limitations and exceptions to copyright"




Englisch Deutsch

Deutsch Englisch

Joined: 01/02/2010
Posts: 1
Monday February 1, 2010
@ 11:44 PM
Copyright laws

They need to enforce copyright laws better. People break the laws everydat online.


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Joined: 04/11/2009
Posts: 1
Wednesday November 4, 2009
@ 05:36 PM

I am Thanking to You. For sharing this reliable information.



Joined: 07/09/2009
Posts: 1
Monday September 14, 2009
@ 05:35 AM
re: How would E&L benefit developing countries?

How would E&L benefit developing countries?

- If they have a flexible E&L it will help the developing countries bloom.


Best Regards,
Jan Manzer

Joined: 19/06/2008
Posts: 1
Thursday June 19, 2008
@ 07:19 PM
Exceptions and limitations to copyright law
  • How would E&L benefit developing countries

Developing countries have lower purchasing power and GDP per capta, which means that having E&L are even more important for them -- for educational purposes, private copying, distance learning, archival purposes etc. Not all countries are on the same level of development. Actually, developing countries are in a much lower level of development than developed countries. And this difference should be taken into account when adopting E&L to copyright law. Hollywood for instance has been created with persons who left the USA East coast, where laws were enforced, and rushed to the West coast, where they could copy without being chased by owners. This is an example of a practical E&L, instead of a legal E&L. This was one of the reasons for Hollywood developing itself. Thus, there must be a flexible E&L system in developing countries in order to incentive industry and to promote a wider access to knowledge for all.

  • Do you think that E&L contribute to the development of copyright culture in developing countries?

For sure E&L contribute to the development of copyright culture not only in developing countries but also in developed countries. E&L are essential for striking a balance between private interest and public interest; between appropriation and access to knowledge. With the digital technology, if there are no actual E&L, various uses that we all were used to make would now be prohibited -- like borrowing a CD, i.e. sending an electronic music file to a friend over the Internet. If someone puts a digital lock onto the file, then we are locked out.

  • Do you know any successful models for E&L in developing countries?

Chile has project law which tries to implement several flexibilities into the Chilean copyright law, including E&L. It is on Congress and some changes on the original project may come. The original proposal is quite comprehensive and perhaps the best until now within developing countries. The USA has "exported" some of its regulations to the Philippine law, including its "fair use" system. This is also another good initiative. Apart from that, I do not know, unfortunately, of any successful model for E&L in developing countries. Brazil is working to change its law: a new round of public discussions has been tabled by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture, and we from the Centre for Technology and Society at FGV School of Law in Rio de Janeiro are giving some aid to them.