Heritage Preservation: Intangible Heritage: Ramsesą„„

This project, originally called REMSH (Network of Euro-Mediterranean Research Centers in Human Sciences), was submitted to the European Commission to be financed through the Sixth Framework Program. The project is called Ramses II. The Mediterranean House of Human Sciences (MMSH) is the initiator and the implementing body of the project.

Launched and coordinated by the Maison Méditeranéenne de Sciences de l'Homme in Aix-en-Provence, RAMSES² involves 30 academic institutions from Western Europe, the Balkans, North Africa and the Middle East researching the history, societies and current politics of the wider Mediterranean area.

"Thinking the Mediterranean" are means of dialogue and exchange. Their themes have focused on shared memories, conflicts and also on the cultural, historical and commercial roots common to the inhabitants of the Mediterranean region.

Ramses2 aimed to build a Euro-Mediterranean research space and to encourage a sustainable way of working together between the scientific institutions of the network". This network is operated henceforth under the laboratory Mediterranean House of Human Sciences.