المعايير العربية للمكتبات


مرافق ببليوجرافية

MARC 21 Update No. 38: Full and Concise available online

Library of Congress
07 يونيو 2024
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Update No. 38 (June 2024) is now available on the MARC website (www.loc.gov/marc/). It is integrated into the documentation for each of the Online Full and Concise formats that are maintained on that site -- the Bibliographic format, Authority format, Holdings format, Classification format, and Community Information format.


Explaining Community Resources in RDA Toolkit

RDA Toolkit
07 مايو 2024
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Community Resources is a new area of RDA Toolkit that allows institutions and organizations to share critical cataloging documents for specific communities.


Cloud Library is now part of OCLC

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
02 أبريل 2024
مرافق ببليوجرافية

OCLC has acquired cloudLibrary, a platform that offers access to a wide variety of digital content through libraries. The acquisition will help OCLC support public libraries in their efforts to successfully manage accelerated shifts to digital collections.


March 2024 RDA Toolkit Release

RDA Toolkit
25 مارس 2024
مرافق ببليوجرافية

A new release was posted to RDA Toolkit last week. The March 2024 release includes light changes to RDA content, the introduction of the new Community Resources space, and the additon of the Orientation version of the Guidance menu in French and Finnish languages.


Making RDA Work For You: Leveraging the Semantic Coherency of the RDA Element

RDA Toolkit
26 فبراير 2024
مرافق ببليوجرافية

This presentation by Damian Iseminger, the Technical Committee Liaison Officer to the RDA Steering Committee, the structure of RDA, the relationship between entities and their elements, and how this structure might inform decisions about what elements to use.


BIBFRAME January 2024 Update Forum

Library of Congress
22 يناير 2024
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The community is seeing BIBFRAME implementation advances with systems on which many libraries depend for their catalog and bibliographic control activities. Thus it is timely to recall how important it is to maintain standardization so that we do not lose the easy interchange we have today with MARC.


Just published: New edition of UNIMARC Guidelines for Archival Materials

20 ديسمبر 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The UNIMARC Guidelines for Archival Materials are intended (1) to represent archival materials in electronic catalogues for integrating access for both library and archival collections and using common retrieval instruments.


What's New (and Upcoming) with RDA Toolkit

RDA Toolkit
05 ديسمبر 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

James Hennelly, director of RDA Toolkit, will host a free webinar on December 19th. He will review recent updates to the Toolkit and preview some changes that will appear in the next year. Half the allotted time will be held open for questions from attendees.


OCLC launches Arabic Discovery Catalog to increase discoverability, access to Arabic library collections

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
04 ديسمبر 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

OCLC has introduced the Arabic Discovery Catalog, a new initiative that brings together bibliographic records from libraries located in Arab countries into one catalog to enhance the discoverability and visibility of these collections for international research.


The Arabic Discovery Catalog currently includes records of more than 3.8 million Arabic resources and continues to grow, making it one of the most comprehensive bibliographic resources of Arabic culture.


Dublin Core announces openWEMI for community review

Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)
29 نوفمبر 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

openWEMI is an RDF vocabulary based on the concepts of Work, Expression, Manifestation, and Item (WEMI) that were first introduced in the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) document produced by a working group of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA). That work and subsequent versions form the theoretical basis for library catalog metadata.


Research4Life integrates FAO’s AGROVOC as a “reference source” in the AGORA collection

15 نوفمبر 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Research4Life recently integrated the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)’s AGROVOC as a “reference source” in the AGORA collection. This development allows Research4Life and AGORA users to access AGROVOCs through the AGORA content portal.


NARDAC Fall Update Forum 2023

RDA Toolkit
24 أكتوبر 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The North American RDA Committee (NARDAC) Update Forum is an event aimed at bringing together experts in the field of library and information science to present/discuss developments in RDA and RDA related cataloging work. NARDAC invites the RDA Steering Committee (RSC) Chair, Renate Behrens, the representatives of four RSC Working Groups, and a representative of Library of Archives and Canada (LAC) to join 2023 Fall Update Forum.




September 2023 RDA Toolkit Release

RDA Toolkit
28 سبتمبر 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

A new release was posted to RDA Toolkit last week. The September 2023 release is a minor one in terms of changes to the English text (corrections to typos and formatting, changes for consistency, and fixes of broken links), but there are two significant updates – the introduction of a new alternative Guidance menu and completion of the French language translation of official RDA.


Bibliographic References and Vocabularies Related to Genre/Form – update published

20 أغسطس 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The Genre/Form Working Group of the IFLA Subject Analysis and Access Section is pleased to announce the posting of “Bibliographic References and Vocabularies Related to Genre/Form.”  This compilation aims to serve as an introduction and basic reference for librarians and information professionals interested in knowing more about genre and form terminology as avenues of access for library users.


Survey on Soft-Deprecated Terms

RDA Toolkit
11 أغسطس 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

During the 3R Project, several RDA elements were identified as being redundant with other elements or were considered to be too granular in scope. These elements were "soft-deprecated". The RSC is curious to know about how institutions are addressing these elements of the RDA Toolkit. A survey regarding soft-deprecated terms is available to complete by 15 September 2023.



July 2023 RDA Toolkit Release

RDA Toolkit
27 يوليه 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

A new release was posted to RDA Toolkit last week. The release is highlighted by changes related to RSC/PlacesWG/2023/1, an accepted proposal from the RSC's Places Working Group. This proposal called for a change to the names of two elements and the rewording of a few options, all listed below. The release includes an enhancement to the Toolkit display that freezes the page title, navigation breadcrumbs, and the Policy Statements drop-down menu at the top of the page when scrolling.


Introducing AGRIS 2.0!

14 يونيو 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

AO’s team responsible for AGRIS are delighted to announce the launch of AGRIS 2.0 on Tuesday 13 June.


This new and improved version of AGRIS, which boasts significant changes to the user interface as well as to the information technology (IT) architecture underpinning the database, will benefit both users and data providers.



Finding Your Way with RDA

RDA Toolkit
31 مايو 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The Oceania region RDA Committee (ORDAC) is pleased to present a series of three webinars exploring concepts from the Official RDA Guidance chapters, presented by ORDAC member and Oceania RSC representative Charlotte Christensen based at the National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa.


Countdown Clock for Original RDA Toolkit Set for May 2026

RDA Toolkit
23 مايو 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The RDA Board in consultation with the Copyright Holders of RDA have determined that a hard date for the removal of the original RDA Toolkit website is needed. This determination was made against a backdrop of giving user communities plenty of time for planning in their transition to official RDA.


2023 Dewey print DDC now available

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
04 مايو 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The 2023 Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) in print is now available. Notable additions to this year’s version include new and updated topics and subtopics—such as Islam, pandemics, historical periods—and a new hierarchy for graphic design and design disciplines at 744.


Connexion browser to be discontinued on 30 April 2024

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
01 مايو 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Over the past several years, we’ve made significant and purposeful investments in our technology infrastructure, platforms, and cataloging services. This work has led to advancements in how libraries conduct their work and serve their communities. And we continue to focus on developing cataloging applications and tools that enable libraries to work with greater speed and efficiency while providing the best possible experience for both library staff and end users.


March 2023 RDA Toolkit Release

RDA Toolkit
27 مارس 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

A new release of RDA Toolkit was ready on March 24, 2023, but due to some technical issues, its posting was delayed until March 27th. The release was a small one compared to past releases. Minor changes to English language RDA were made for the purpose of clarity and consistency. Revisions to the Guidance: Data Elements provide more explanation about the relationship and application of element supertypes and subtypes.


How to Propose a Change to RDA

RDA Toolkit
01 مارس 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The “Submit Feedback” link in the official RDA Toolkit enables users to provide information about typos, errors, and broken links, as well as suggested changes to the text.


RDA Webinar series from CORE

RDA Toolkit
01 مارس 2023
مرافق ببليوجرافية

CORE will present a four-part webinar series “The New and Official RDA Toolkit: A Practical Approach” this month. Originally presented as an in-person preconference for the 2022 Core Forum, this webinar is geared toward catalogers, metadata librarians, and anyone interested in Resource Description and Access (RDA). Core members and non-members are welcome to attend.


MARC 21 Update No. 35: Full and Concise available online

Library of Congress
20 ديسمبر 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Update No. 35 (December 2022) is now available on the MARC website (www.loc.gov/marc/). It is integrated into the documentation for each of the Online Full and Concise formats that are maintained on that site -- the Bibliographic format, Authority format, Holdings format, Classification format, and Community Information format. The documentation includes changes made to the MARC 21 formats resulting from proposals which were considered by the MARC 21 community since the publication of Update No. 34 (July 2022).


December 2022 RDA Toolkit Release

RDA Toolkit
16 ديسمبر 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

A new release of RDA Toolkit was posted on December 16, 2022. It included updates to both the English and Finnish versions of RDA. There were changes to the English RDA text related to RSC approval of two proposals at its July meeting. These changes added instructions to two Item and two Manifestation elements to make them consistent with other RDA elements that permit recording methods for non-RDA vocabulary encoding schemes, and made additions to the “Recording an unstructured description” section of five elements.


مكتبة الإسكندرية تعلن تخفيض كتاب مارك 21 الببليوجرافي لطلاب الجامعة

اليوم السابع
30 أكتوبر 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

أعلنت مكتبة الإسكندرية،  تخفيض سعر كتاب (مارك 21: صيغة البيانات الببليوجرافية الطبعة العربية الأولى) الذي أصدره قطاع المكتبات بنسبة 30% بمنافذ البيع بالمكتبة، وذلك لكافة طلاب الجامعات بجمهورية مصر العربية، ويتسق قرار المكتبة مع اتجاهات الدولة لتخفيف العبء المادي على الطلاب وذويهم، لما يمثل من دعم مؤسسات الدولة لفئات الشعب المختلفة في ظل تحديات الظروف الاقتصادية المحلية والعالمية.


September 2022 RDA Toolkit Release

RDA Toolkit
28 سبتمبر 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

new release of RDA Toolkit was posted on September 28, 2022. It included updates to both the English and Finnish versions of RDA. There were a handful of minor changes to the English RDA text related to RSC approval of two proposals at its July meeting.


مكتبة الإسكندرية تشارك في مؤتمر الاتحاد الدولي لجمعيات ومؤسسات المكتبات

مكتبة الإسكندرية
09 أغسطس 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

شاركت مكتبة الإسكندرية في مؤتمر الاتحاد الدولي لجمعيات ومؤسسات المكتبات (IFLA)، والذي عقد في مدينة دبلن بأيرلندا في الفترة من 26 إلى 29 يوليو تحت عنوان "الإلهام والمشاركة والتمكين والتواصل"، وذلك بعد انقطاع سنتين متتاليتين بسبب جائحة كورونا.


Coming Soon: August 1st Webinar and Usage Statistics

RDA Toolkit
19 يوليه 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

ALA Digital Reference's webinar series will continue Monday, August 1, 2022 at 11 AM CT/Chicago time with Damian Iseminger's virtual iteration of his #ALAAC22 program RDA Linked Data Forum. Damian will present on how RDA and RDA Toolkit are now optimized for linked data environments in the wake of the 3R Project and answer related questions from the audience live.


MARC 21 Update No. 34: Full and Concise available online

Library of Congress
07 يوليه 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Update No. 34 (July 2022) is now available on the MARC website (www.loc.gov/marc/). It is integrated into the documentation for each of the Online Full and Concise formats that are maintained on that site -- the Bibliographic format, Authority format, Holdings format, Classification format, and Community Information format. The documentation includes changes made to the MARC 21 formats resulting from proposals which were considered by the MARC 21 community since the publication of Update No. 33 (November 2021).


June 2022 RDA Toolkit Release

RDA Toolkit
22 يونيو 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

A new release of RDA Toolkit was posted on June 22, 2022. It included updates to both the English and Finnish versions of RDA. The changes made to the English text of RDA for this release were almost entirely editorial (correcting typos and other minor corrections). Policy statements from the Library of Congress - Program for Cooperative Cataloging, the British Library and Music Library Association Best Practices were also updated. The Finnish translation of RDA was updated to make it current with the March 2022 release of English RDA. Read more about the release in the June 2022 Release Notes.


Experience RDA Events in April and at ALA Annual in June 2022

RDA Toolkit
03 يونيو 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

It's the news many catalogers hoped they would hear soon: RDA educational programs sponsored by the American Library Association are expected to be presented both virtually AND in person over the coming months. Read on for event summaries and registration links.


Release of the 2021 Update to the 2011 Consolidated Edition of the ISBD

25 مايو 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The IFLA ISBD Review Group is pleased to announce the release of the 2021 Update to the 2011 Consolidated Edition of the ISBD.


The 2021 Update is the first release since the publication of the 2011 Consolidated Edition of the ISBD. It extends the coverage of the ISBD to a larger array of resources and brings more organization and refinements into the description of some types of resources.



WorldCat quality efforts to enhance millions more records

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
11 مايو 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

OCLC metadata quality team consistently improves WorldCat records to help libraries make their resources more accessible to users worldwide through discovery, research, and interlibrary loan services. Using a combination of automated systems and manual enrichments, we review, delete, merge, and enhance an average of 4 million WorldCat records per month. In addition, each month we add more than 280 collections to the WorldCat knowledge base and make more than 45,000 enhancements to the collections on average. This work helps ensure that information seekers can easily find the resources they need as soon as they’re available in libraries.


Out Now: March 2022 issue of IFLA Journal

24 مارس 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

IFLA Journal is an international journal publishing peer reviewed articles on library and information services and the social, political and economic issues that impact access to information through libraries.


The Journal publishes research, case studies and essays that reflect the broad spectrum of the profession internationally.



March 2022 RDA Toolkit Release

RDA Toolkit
21 مارس 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The March 2022 release is the first since migration of the RDA Toolkit to new servers in January 2022. It includes updates to policy statements from the Library of Congress - Program for Cooperative Cataloging, the British Library and Music Library Association Best Practices.


Take Off on the Post-Migration RDA Toolkit with Our New Demo

RDA Toolkit
02 مارس 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The recent migration of RDA Toolkit to new servers also included a change in the authentication system for the website. This 26-minute demo, led by James Hennelly, covers changes to login practices and management of subscriptions related to this new environment. The webinar does not cover the application of RDA instructions or concepts, but it is useful for those who manage subscriptions or train cataloging professionals who need to determine how to set up a subscription to RDA Toolkit and get access for their staff or students.

You can now watch the demo at this link.


Watch the RDA Roundtable on Policy Statements

RDA Toolkit
01 فبراير 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

On Tuesday, January 18th, ALA Digital Reference presented the RDA Roundtable on Policy Statements as its latest free virtual event.

This roundtable discussion focused on the development of policy statements after the completion of the 3R Project, which you can learn more about by visiting https://www.rdatoolkit.org/3RProject. Representatives from the British Library, Library of Congress and the Music Library Association discussed the impact of changes to both the RDA standard and the Toolkit, the development of policy statements in response those changes, and their plans going forward. A demonstration of how to navigate policy statements in the redesigned Toolkit was featured.


Update on Profiles and the Admin Site

RDA Toolkit
28 يناير 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The issues related to the recent site migration are now largely resolved. The site migration also included a switch to new authentication service, and as a result some practices will be altered. These new practices are described below.


The profile login issue we have been experiencing since the start of the migration is the result of a high number of profiles and accounts with the same username and email address. The only solution we can identify is to filter out as many of these duplicate accounts as possible. This is an imperfect solution but seemingly the best available. Our expectation is that most profiles will now work, but for those who still cannot access their profiles, they have two possible recourses.


New Dewey Decimal Classification system editor-in-residence focused on equity

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
13 يناير 2022
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Kelly West recently joined OCLC as the first visiting editor-in-residence for the Dewey Decimal Classification® (DDC®) system. In this inaugural six-month role, West will contribute her expertise to reduce systematic bias embedded in the DDC.

The new DDC editor-in-residence program offers early and mid-career librarians or others from allied fields the opportunity to collaborate closely with the DDC’s editor, Alex Kyrios, and the Editorial Policy Committee. Extending and maintaining the DDC requires deep knowledge and understanding of the structure of the classification scheme. In addition, placing every topic in an effective position within the scheme requires deep understanding of the topic. The DDC community worldwide will benefit from sustained engagement with a subject-matter expert to address a problematic portion of the DDC.


Free Event Registration: RDA Roundtable on Policy Statements

RDA Toolkit
02 ديسمبر 2021
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Tuesday, January 18th from 10:15 to 11:45 AM Chicago time for the RDA Roundtable on Policy Statements, a free virtual event.


MARC 21 Update No. 33: Full and Concise available online

Library of Congress
24 نوفمبر 2021
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Update No. 33 (November 2021) is now available on the MARC website (www.loc.gov/marc/).


Latest News on the RDA Toolkit Server Migration

RDA Toolkit
20 أكتوبر 2021
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The migration of RDA Toolkit and the original RDA Toolkit to new servers will not occur during the week of October 25th, as previsously planned. It is not clear when exactly the migration will occur, butit will happen before the end of 2021. You can learn more about the migration and its impact here.


An Update on Server Migration

RDA Toolkit
24 سبتمبر 2021
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The migration of RDA Toolkit and the original RDA Toolkit to new servers is currently scheduled for some time during the week of October 25th. You can learn more about the migration and its impact here.


Library of Congress Releases Data for Free Download and Discovery

Library of Congress
01 سبتمبر 2021
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The Library of Congress announced today its third release of records in its online catalog for free bulk download for research and discovery. The release supports the Library’s effort to continuously expand open access to its vast collections.


This MARC (Machine Readable Cataloging Records) release surpasses previous releases and adds more than 200,000 new records to the existing 25 million record database.


July 2021 RDA Toolkit Release

RDA Toolkit
15 يوليه 2021
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The July 2021 release of RDA Toolkit was published on July 15th. It includes the addition of more policy statements from the Library of Congress - Program for Cooperative Cataloging,the British Library and Music Library Association Best Practices.


The IFLA Metadata Newsletter June 2021 issue is published

01 يوليه 2021
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The IFLA Metadata Newsletter is published jointly by the Bibliography Section, the Cataloguing Section and the Subject Analysis and Access Section.

Issue vol. 7. no. 1, June 2021 includes news from around the world, conference reports, standards news, and another instalment of analysis of the National Bibliographic Register, contributed by the Bibliography Section.



مكتبة الإسكندرية تناقش مراحل ترجمة وطباعة تصنيف ديوي العشري

20 يونيو 2021
مرافق ببليوجرافية

نظَّمت مكتبة الإسكندرية جلسة تقديم ومناقشة مراحل ترجمة وطباعة تصنيف ديوي العشري “الطبعة 23 وتحديثاتها”، وقامت بالتقديم والمناقشة الدكتورة شادية السوسي مستشار مشروع ترجمة تصنيف ديوي العشري بمكتبة الإسكندرية، والمدرس المتفرغ بمعهد الدراسات اللغوية والترجمة بكلية الآداب بجامعة الإسكندرية.


سلطت المناقشة الضوء على مراحل الخط الزمني لترجمة تصنيف ديوي العشري بمكتبة الإسكندرية، ومراحل الطباعة على النظام الدولي لترجمة تصنيف ديوي العشري وتحديات الطباعة.


Server Change Coming to RDA Toolkit

RDA Toolkit
01 يونيو 2021
مرافق ببليوجرافية

During the month of May work began on transferring RDA Toolkit and related websites to a new server and under the support and maintenance of a new developer. The sites included in this move are access.rdatoolkit.org and orginal.rdatoolkit.org, as well as  rdatoolkit.org and rda-rsc.org. All the content currently on these sites will be transferred to the new server. This work will be completed by September 1st. This move should have little to no impact on RDA Toolkit users, with two exceptions.


Oliver’s updated introduction to RDA

08 مارس 2021
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Reflecting the changes to RDA after the completion of the 3R Project, Chris Oliver’s “Introducing RDA: A Guide to the Basics after 3R, Second Edition,” published by ALA Editions, offers a clear, plainspoken explanation of RDA: Resource Description and Access. This essential primer for LIS students, records managers, and catalogers and other library professionals:


View Free RDA Toolkit Demo

RDA Toolkit
27 يناير 2021
مرافق ببليوجرافية

On January 26th a free live demo was held to introduce the public to the redesigned RDA Toolkit. Now that the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign Project (3R) is complete, it is a good time to get acquainted with all the features and functions of the new Toolkit. This hour-long webinar, New RDA Toolkit Demo, covers navigating and searching the improved RDA Toolkit, new features and functions of the site, and some tips for getting the most out of it.


مكتبة الإسكندرية تُطلق الطبعة الأولى من الترجمة العربية لتصنيف ديوي العشري

مكتبة الإسكندرية
13 يناير 2021
مرافق ببليوجرافية

في ضوء الدور الريادي الذي تلعبه مكتبة الإسكندرية على المستوى الإقليمي والدولي لدعم المكتبات ومؤسسات المعلومات في الوطن العربي والمساعدة في تقديم الدعم الفني للعمل بتلك المؤسسات، أعلن قطاع المكتبات بمكتبة الإسكندرية عن إطلاق الطبعة الأولى للترجمة العربية للمجلدات الأول والثاني والثالث من تصنيف ديوي العشري، الطبعة 23 وتحديثاتها.

وأشار الدكتور مصطفى الفقي مدير مكتبة الإسكندرية إلى مدى أهمية ذلك الإصدار؛ حيث إنها أول طبعة عربية مؤسسية كاملة لتصنيف ديوي العشري، الطبعة 23 - وتحديثاتها حتى مارس 2019، وأيضًا أول طبعة عربية متسقة مع الطبعة الإنجليزية لتصنيف ديوي العشري بتقسيماته الموحدة المبوبة بترتيب تسلسلي، وكذلك أول طبعة عربية تعكس تماما تنسيق النص في الطباعة كما ورد في النص المصدر، بالإضافة إلى مميزات أخرى تفرّد بها ذلك الإصدار.


Beta RDA Toolkit becomes official platform for global cataloging with new books and live webinar series to follow

17 ديسمبر 2020
مرافق ببليوجرافية

RDA: Resource Description and Access users experienced the long-awaited elevation of the beta RDA Toolkit to official status on Tuesday, December 15, 2020.  The new Toolkit – a subscription-based online platform that provides catalogers across the world with data elements, guidelines, and instructions for creating metadata – had been undergoing restructure and redesign through the “3R Project” aimed at bringing the RDA standard into alignment with the IFLA (The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) Library Reference Model and the RDA Toolkit into compliance with current accessibility standards. RDA and RDA Toolkit are now optimized for use in a linked data environment and for international exchange of bibliographic data.


MARC 21 Update No. 31: Full and Concise available online

Library of Congress
01 ديسمبر 2020
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Update No. 31 (December 2020) is now available on the MARC website (www.loc.gov/marc/). It is integrated into the documentation for each of the Online Full and Concise formats that are maintained on that site -- the Bibliographic format, Authority format, Holdings format, Classification format, and Community Information format...


The IFLA Metadata Newsletter December 2020 issue is published

01 ديسمبر 2020
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The IFLA Metadata Newsletter brings you information about metadata in libraries all over the world. The December 2020 issue is now published.


September 2020 Beta RDA Toolkit Release

RDA Toolkit
04 سبتمبر 2020
مرافق ببليوجرافية

A new release of the beta RDA Toolkit was published on September 16th. The release introduces new features and functionality as well as some relocating of RDA content...


IFLA Metadata Newsletter June 2020 issue

20 أغسطس 2020
مرافق ببليوجرافية

This issue contains cataloguing news from countries all over the world, news from standards development, and a report from our Twitter account about performing metadata tasks in lockdown time...


FOLIO’s Goldenrod Release Signifies Version One of the Open Source Library Services Platform is Ready for Adoption

27 يوليه 2020
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The FOLIO Open Source Community has issued its latest named release opening the way for many sites to adopt FOLIO. The Goldenrod Release signifies the completion of Version One (V1) ILS functionality for the FOLIO Library Services Platform (LSP).


The IFLA Metadata Newsletter June 2020 issue is published

24 يونيو 2020
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The IFLA Metadata Newsletter is a good way of keeping update with news from a safe distance...


MARC 21 Update No. 30: Full and Concise Available Online

Library of Congress
27 مايو 2020
مرافق ببليوجرافية

MARC 21 update no. 30 (May 2020) is now available on the MARC website. It is integrated into the documentation for each of the online full and concise formats...


FOLIO Launches Fameflower Release

19 مايو 2020
مرافق ببليوجرافية

FOLIO, a community collaboration to develop an open source Library Services Platform (LSP), has launched the Fameflower Release…


BiblioCommons Launches New Features to Support Libraries in an Online-Only Environment

08 مايو 2020
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The BiblioCommons Team is proud to announce a number of new feature improvements across the BiblioCommons platform to support libraries in serving their communities in an all, or mostly, online environment.


RDA Free Trials and Things to Do While Stuck at Home

RDA Toolkit
24 مارس 2020
مرافق ببليوجرافية

…Extended Free Trials…

Watch RDA Videos on YouTube…


Recording of webinar on contributing to Dewey

025.431: The Dewey blog
20 فبراير 2020
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Our February 11th webinar…We talked about the process for proposing revisions to the DDC...


RDA Workshop Exercises for All

RDA Toolkit
17 يناير 2020
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The RDA Toolkit Workshop: A Crash Course was held twice (morning and afternoon sessions) on Friday, January 24th at the Philadelphia Marriott Hotel. The workshop debuted a new approach to RDA orientation that seeks to explain changes to the standard and the Toolkit related to the 3R Project and LRM alignment...


MARC 21 Update No. 29: Full and Concise available online

Library of Congress
27 نوفمبر 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

MARC 21 update no. 29 (November 2019) is now available on the MARC website (www.loc.gov/marc/). It is integrated into the documentation for each of the Online Full and Concise formats that are maintained on that site -- the Bibliographic format, Authority format, Holdings format, Classification format, and Community Information format.


Now available in WorldShare Record Manager: The Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) authority file

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
25 نوفمبر 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

OCLC is pleased to announce that WorldShare Record Manager has been enhanced to enable searching and browsing of the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) authority file...


IFLA 2019 recordings now available

025.431: The Dewey blog
20 نوفمبر 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

International Dewey Users Meeting during this year's IFLA World Library and Information Congress in August, and you can now view the slides and recording of those presentations...


Statement on 3R Project Completion

RDA Toolkit
15 أكتوبر 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Current Status

With the April and September 2019 releases to the RDA Toolkit beta site, the RDA text has been stabilized and the site has met project goals for accessibility and revision reporting...


September Update to Beta RDA Toolkit

RDA Toolkit
05 سبتمبر 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

On September 5th a new release was published to the beta RDA Toolkit. The release features significant developments to the site in regard to accessibility and revision tracking…


Now available: UPDATES 2019 for UNIMARC, 3rd. ed.

21 أغسطس 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

All updates to the UNIMARC Bibliographic and Authorities formats, 3rd ed., approved in 2019 are available online (in PDF format).


MARC 21 Update No. 28: Addendum

Library of Congress
14 يوليه 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

An addendum to MARC Update No. 28 (May 2019) is now available on the MARC website (www.loc.gov/marc/). The addendum consists of changes to the MARC 21 formats resulting from revised decisions made regarding the outcome of MARC Proposal No. 2019-01, which came about after the publication of Update No. 28...


OCLC's Syndeo provides foundation for K10plus, the new collaborative database created by BSZ and GBV

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
01 يوليه 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Wuerttemberg (BSZ) and Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG) have announced the launch of a new joint initiative, K10plus. The new collaboration will result in the largest catalog for scientific libraries in Germany and is developed using OCLC's Syndeo, a suite of services that facilitates national and regional library collaboration.


The IFLA Metadata Newsletter June 2019 issue is published

28 يونيو 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The IFLA Metadata Newsletter vol. 5. no. 1, June 2019 is a cooperation between the Bibliography Section, the Cataloguing Section and the Subject Analysis and Access Section...


Updated MARC-to-BIBFRAME Conversion Tools and BIBFRAME Editor

Library of Congress
22 يونيو 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

MARC-to-BIBFRAME Conversion Specifications and Conversion Programs Updated...

LC’s BIBFRAME Editor Updated...


Citation Numbering Arrives

RDA Toolkit
22 مايو 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Citation numbering has been added to the beta site in response to a user need to reference RDA passages in print materials and other non-digital communications. 


MARC 21 Update No. 28: Full and Concise available online

Library of Congress
16 مايو 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

MARC 21 update no. 28 (May 2019) is now available on the MARC website (www.loc.gov/marc/). It is integrated into the documentation for each of the Online Full and Concise formats that are maintained on that site -- the Bibliographic format, Authority format, Holdings format, Classification format, and Community Information format.


IFLA Library Reference Model translated into Hungarian

16 مايو 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

…IFLA Library Reference Model has been translated into Hungarian.


Recording Available: Getting a Handle on the New RDA Toolkit

RDA Toolkit
14 مايو 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The 90-minute webinar that aired on May 10th is now available. The webinar reviewed the impact of the April 30th update to the beta site…


April Update to the Beta Site

RDA Toolkit
29 أبريل 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Today there will be a new release to the RDA Toolkit beta site…

This release includes the stabilized English language version of the RDA standard.


Updating the Introduction for a WebDewey (and print-on-demand) world

025.431: The Dewey blog
27 مارس 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The revised version of the Introduction was approved by the Editorial Policy Committee and went live March 19. You can find a tracking chart of the changes in exhibit EPC 141A-P1 - Rewrite of Introduction for WebDewey context.


MARC to BIBFRAME specifications and conversions updated

Library of Congress, LISTSERV Archives
06 مارس 2019
مرافق ببليوجرافية

New editions of the MARC to BIBFRAME specifications and conversions are now available.


Important Note on Beta Site Update

RDA Copyright Holders
07 ديسمبر 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

…an update to the beta site will introduce changes to the appellation elements  as well as a range of other corrections and revision to other files.


مكتبة الإسكندرية تشارك بالمؤتمر التاسع والعشرين للاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات (اعلم)

12 نوفمبر 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

يقام مؤتمر الاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات (اعلم)، في دورته التاسعة والعشرين، في جامعة البحر الأحمر بمدينة بورتسودان، بجمهورية السودان، في الفترة من ١٩ إلى ٢١ نوفمبر ٢٠١٨، تحت رعاية وزارة الثقافة بجمهورية السودان، وبالتعاون مع الجمعية السودانية للمكتبات والمعلومات، وولاية البحر الأحمر، وجامعة البحر الأحمر.


MARC 21 Update No. 27: Full and Concise Available Online

Library of Congress
11 نوفمبر 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

Update No. 27 (November 2018) is now available on the MARC website (www.loc.gov/marc/). It is integrated into the documentation for each of the Online Full and Concise formats that are maintained on that site -- the Bibliographic format, Authority format, Holdings format, Classification format, and Community Information format.


Recording of International Dewey Users Meeting at IFLA 2018

025.431: The Dewey blog
05 نوفمبر 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

... The recording of the meeting is now available, featuring presentations from Elise Conradi (EDUG Chair) and Harriet Aagaard (EDUG Secretary) with an overview of the 2018 European DDC Users Group meeting...


مكتبة الإسكندرية في مؤتمر المكتبات لجمعية المكتبات الأمريكية - معرض الشارقة الدولي للكتاب في نسخته الخامسة

04 نوفمبر 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

يقام مؤتمر المكتبات السنوي الذي ينظمه معرض الشارقة الدولي للكتاب بالتعاون مع جمعية المكتبات الأمريكية في نسخته الخامسة؛ بمركز إكسبو الشارقة، بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، وذلك في الفترة من ٦ إلى ٨ نوفمبر ٢٠١٨، كجزء من معرض الشارقة الدولي للكتاب في نسخته السابعة والثلاثين. ويجذب المؤتمر خبراء مجتمع المكتبات من العالم العربي وجميع أنحاء العالم.


Now available: UPDATES 2018 for UNIMARC, 3rd. ed.

25 أكتوبر 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

All updates to the UNIMARC Bibliographic and Authorities formats, 3rd ed., approved in 2018 are available online (in PDF format).


WebDewey install scheduled for October 11, 2018

025.431: The Dewey blog
09 أكتوبر 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

A WebDewey install is scheduled for Thursday, October 11, 2018.


What's New with the Beta Site

RDA Copyright Holders
09 أكتوبر 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

This week a new release was published to the RDA Toolkit beta site. The release included a wide range of changes to RDA content--corrections to typos and format issues, edits for consistency and clarity, as well as additions of new or further developed text.


Diversity of Data Event: Presentations Available

RDA Copyright Holders
04 أكتوبر 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

… all presentations and notes from the Diversity of Data: RDA in the international context at the National Library of Malaysia…


Version 2 Released: Metadata Application Profile for Description of Websites with Archived Versions

New York Art Resources Consortium (NYARC)
31 أغسطس 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The second version of the New York Art Resources Consortium (NYARC) Metadata Application Profile for Description of Websites with Archived Versions has recently been released and is available via the NYARC Wiki and via the DLF AIG Metadata Application Profile Clearinghouse Project.


August Update to the Beta Site

RDA Copyright Holders
16 أغسطس 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

On Thursday, August 16, a small update was made to the RDA Toolkit beta site. In addition to fixed links, corrected typos and other minor changes to the text, the update also included several significant changes to the site display and functionality.


Statement on Instruction Numbering

RDA Copyright Holders
06 يوليه 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The publishers of RDA Toolkit and the RDA Steering Committee have been closely monitoring feedback on the new RDA Toolkit beta site.


Presentation slides from ALA

025.431: The Dewey blog
06 يوليه 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

We had a very successful Dewey Update Breakfast at this year's ALA Annual!


The IFLA Metadata Newsletter June 2018 issue is published

02 يوليه 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The IFLA Metadata Newsletter vol. 4. no. 1, June 2018 is a cooperation between the Bibliography Section, The Cataloguing Section and the Subject Analysis and Access Section.


Where Did It Go?

RDA Copyright Holders
02 يوليه 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

The new beta Toolkit includes some significant differences in how the instructions are organized and arranged.


Where to Find Examples in the Beta Toolkit

RDA Copyright Holders
02 يوليه 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

We have heard from some users that examples have been few and far between.


مكتبة الإسكندرية تترجم معيار »وصف المصادر وإتاحتها« (وما) إلى العربية

20 يونيو 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

يسر مكتبة الإسكندرية أن تعلن عن الاتفاق الذي أُبرم مؤخرًا بينها وبين اللجنة التوجيهية لوصف المصادر وإتاحتها (RSC) والذي بموجبه يتيح للأولى ترجمة معيار »وصف المصادر وإتاحتها« (وما) (RDA) إلى العربية، بالتعاون مع الاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات.


Redesigned RDA Toolkit News

RDA Steering Committee
06 يونيو 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

A document describing the “Outcomes of the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign Project” by RSC Chair Gordon Dunsire has been posted on the RSC website as RSC/Chair/19.


MARC 21 Update No. 26: Full and Concise Available Online

The Network Development and MARC Standards Office
27 أبريل 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

MARC 21 update no. 26 (April 2018) is now available on the MARC website. It is integrated into the documentation for each of the online full and concise formats that are maintained on that site: the Bibliographic format, Authority format, Holdings format, Classification format, and Community Information format.


3R Project Status Report #5

RDA Copyright Holders
24 أبريل 2018
مرافق ببليوجرافية

This is the fifth status report for the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign Project (3R) project related to the changes to 3R rollout and schedule. The initial release of the redesigned RDA Toolkit remains June 13th, but it will be a beta version of the new site in English only.
