المعايير العربية للمكتبات


اتفاقيات التعاون

Equinox Partners with Unique Management Services to Launch MessageBee SMS for the OWWL Library System

19 نوفمبر 2024
اتفاقيات التعاون

Equinox Open Library Initiative, a trusted leader in open source technology development and support for libraries, is pleased to announce that the OWWL Library System (OWWL), a New York cooperative public library system that supports libraries in Ontario, Wayne, Wyoming, and Livingston Counties, is live on MessageBee SMS services through a partnership with Unique Management Services.


توقيع اتفاقية تعاون بين مكتبة الإسكندرية ومكتبة طوكيو الكبرى

مكتبة الإسكندرية
08 نوفمبر 2024
اتفاقيات التعاون

وقع صباح اليوم الأستاذ الدكتور أحمد زايد؛ مدير مكتبة الإسكندرية، اتفاقية تعاون مع مكتبة طوكيو الكبرى، ممثلة في السيدة كويك يوريكو؛ محافظ مدينة طوكيو، والسيد سوكاموتو ماساهيكو؛ مدير عام التعليم، وذلك اليوم الجمعة بمقر مكتبة الإسكندرية بالقاهرة في القرية الذكية بمركز توثيق التراث الحضاري والطبيعي (CULTNAT)، بحضور السيد تايشي إينوجوشي؛ مدير عام مكتبة طوكيو الكبرى، وعدد من كبار الزوار من الجانب الياباني.


مكتبة الإسكندرية تحتفل بأسبوع الوصول الحُر

مكتبة الإسكندرية
20 أكتوبر 2024
اتفاقيات التعاون

تحتفل مكتبة الإسكندرية من خلال إدارة العمليات الفنية، بأسبوع الوصول الحُر للمرة السابعة على التوالي خلال الفترة من 21 إلى 23 أكتوبر 2024، حيث يحتفل العالم بأسبوع الوصول الحُر في الأسبوع الأخير من شهر أكتوبر من كل عام؛ بهدف إلقاء الضوء حول ضرورة الاتجاه نحو إتاحة المعرفة عن طريق النشر المفتوح (Open Access Publishing)، وحتى يتسنى للمجتمع الأكاديمي والبحثي مواصلة التعرف على الفوائد المحتملة للنشر المفتوح أو ذو الوصول الحُر.


المؤتمر الدولي للتوعية المعلوماتية في نسخته الثالثة بمكتبة الإسكندرية

مكتبة الإسكندرية
02 أكتوبر 2024
اتفاقيات التعاون

تنظم مكتبة الإسكندرية النسخة الثالثة من (المؤتمر الدولي للتوعية المعلوماتية - إفريقيا 2024 “ICIL Africa”)، والذي يعقد للمرة الأولى في مصر وشمال إفريقيا تحت شعار "ثورة المعرفة المعلوماتية... استعد!"، بالتعاون مع جامعة الشمال الغربي (NWU)، وجامعة بريتوريا بجنوب إفريقيا، والمقر الإقليمي لاتحاد الجامعات الإفريقية لشمال إفريقيا (AAU – NARO)، وجمعية المكتبات ومؤسسات المعلومات الإفريقية (AfLIA)؛ وذلك في الفترة من 14 إلى 17 أكتوبر بمركز مؤتمرات مكتبة الإسكندرية. هذا وباب التسجيل بالمؤتمر مازال مفتوحًا من خلال الرابط التالي:




EBSCO Discovery Service™ Now Offering ClinicalKey® from Elsevier new Partner Database Simplifies User Journey for Clinical Researchers

02 يوليه 2024
اتفاقيات التعاون

Mutual subscribers of EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) from EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) and Elsevier’s ClinicalKey® can now discover and access journal articles and book chapters indexed from ClinicalKey within EBSCO Discovery Service


New Spanish Translation and Distribution Agreement

RDA Toolkit
24 يونيو 2024
اتفاقيات التعاون

ALA Publishing, acting on behalf of the copyright holders of RDA: Description and Access has signed an agreement with the Association of Ibero-American States for the Development of the National Libraries of Ibero-America (ABINIA) for a Spanish language translation of the official RDA Toolkit.


ALA Releases Free “Partnering for Stronger Programming: A Toolkit for Libraries”

American Library Association (ALA)
17 يونيو 2024
اتفاقيات التعاون

 Libraries do their best work when they work with partners. The American Library Association (ALA) today announced the “Partnering for Stronger Programming: A Toolkit for Libraries”, a free resource created to help library workers consider the big-picture goals of library programming and determine ways to begin and sustain impactful partnerships.


EBLIDA and OCLC sign new multi-year agreement

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
23 أبريل 2024
اتفاقيات التعاون

The European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA) and OCLC have signed a multi-year agreement, demonstrating their commitment to work more closely and strengthening the bond between the two organizations.
Erna Winters, EBLIDA President, and Saskia Leferink, General Manager of OCLC Benelux, signed the agreement at the EBLIDA Conference earlier this month.


OCLC partners with Equinox Open Library Initiative to provide access to the WorldCat Metadata API for mutual customers

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
18 مارس 2024
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC, the worldwide leader in library cataloging and metadata services, is partnering with Equinox Open Library Initiative to offer access to the WorldCat Metadata API for OCLC cataloging libraries using service platforms supported by Equinox. The integration is available to mutual customers.


دعوة لتقديم ملخصات للمؤتمر الدولي للتوعية المعلوماتية 2024

مكتبة الإسكندرية
06 مارس 2024
اتفاقيات التعاون

يسر مكتبة الإسكندرية من خلال قسم التواصل الدولي، بالتعاون مع جامعة نورث ويست وجامعة بريتوريا والمقر الإقليمي لاتحاد الجامعات الإفريقية لشمال إفريقيا AAU - NARO، أن تعلن عن دعوتها الأولى لتقديم ملخصات للدورة الثالثة من المؤتمر الدولي للتوعية المعلوماتية ICIL- Africa 2024، والذي تستضيفه مكتبة الإسكندرية لأول مرة في مصر وشمال إفريقيا. تشمل أنواع التقديم الفئات التالية: الأوراق الفردية والملصقات العلمية – البيتشاكوتشا (PechaKucha) – منتدى الدكتوراه – حلقات نقاشية.


ماراثون أقرأ بين السعودية ومصر والمغرب

مكتبة الإسكندرية
26 فبراير 2024
اتفاقيات التعاون

يُطلق مركز الملك عبد العزيز الثقافي العالمي (إثراء) بالمملكة العربية السعودية بالتعاون مع مكتبة الإسكندرية والمكتبة الوطنية بالمملكة المغربية؛ النسخة الثالثة لمبادرة (ماراثون اقرأ)، وهو أكبر ماراثون نوعي للقراءة على مستوى ثلاث مدن عربية في كل من الظهران والإسكندرية والرباط، وذلك لمدة ثلاثة أيام في الفترة من 29 فبراير إلى 2 مارس 2024. 


مدير مكتبة الإسكندرية يبحث سبل التعاون مع رئيس مركز أبو ظبي للغة العربية

مكتبة الإسكندرية
24 يناير 2024
اتفاقيات التعاون

استقبل الدكتور أحمد زايد؛ مدير مكتبة الإسكندرية، الدكتور علي بن تميم؛ رئيس مركز أبو ظبي للغة العربية، والأستاذ جمعة الظاهري؛ مدير إدارة المكتبات المتخصصة، والأستاذ وليد علاء الدين؛ مدير مكتب الاتصال المؤسسي، والأستاذ إبراهيم المرزوقي؛ مدير مكتب رئيس المركز، وذلك لبحث سبل التعاون بين الجانبين.


مؤسَّسة محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم للمعرفة تشارك في الاحتفال باليوم العالمي للغة العربية 2023 بمقر اليونسكو في العاصمة الفرنسية

مؤسسة محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم للمعرفة
18 ديسمبر 2023
اتفاقيات التعاون

شاركت مؤسَّسة محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم للمعرفة، في الاحتفال باليوم العالمي للغة العربية 2023، الذي أقامته منظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية والعلوم والثقافة «اليونسكو» في مقرها بباريس يوم 18 ديسمبر 2023 تحت عنوان "العربية.. لغة الشعر والفنون".


برنامج دبي الدولي للكتابة ينظِّم مجموعة جلسات خلال قمة المعرفة 2023

مؤسسة محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم للمعرفة
30 نوفمبر 2023
اتفاقيات التعاون

نظَّم برنامج دبي الدولي للكتابة، إحدى مبادرات مؤسَّسة محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم للمعرفة، مجموعةً من الجلسات ضمن فعاليات "قمَّة المعرفة"، الحدث المعرفي السنوي الأبرز على مستوى المنطقة، والذي أقيم في مركز دبي التجاري العالمي على مدى يومي 21 و22 نوفمبر الجاري، وافتراضياً في 23 نوفمبر، تحت شعار "مدن المعرفة والثورة الصناعية الخامسة"، بمشاركة كوكبةٍ من قادة الفكر وصُنَّاع السياسات والخبراء من مختلف أنحاء العالم. 


Accelerating action for libraries in the MENA region

26 نوفمبر 2023
اتفاقيات التعاون

IFLA’s Middle East and North Africa Regional Division Committee met over two days in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. The meeting created a momentum that will carry forwards the Committee’s work to build action to support libraries across the region over the next two years.


Gale and SirsiDynix Announce Partnership That Will Expand CloudSource Index by More Than One Billion Records

29 أغسطس 2023
اتفاقيات التعاون

part of Cengage Group, a global provider of research and learning resources, and SirsiDynix, a global leader in library technology solutions, are excited to announce a strategic partnership that will deliver more than one billion records to CloudSource, SirsiDynix’s premier content and discovery services platform.


المكتب الإقليمي لمكتب مكتبة الكونجرس بالقاهرة: جمع وحفظ التراث الببليوغرافي لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا

مكتبة الإسكندرية
29 أغسطس 2023
اتفاقيات التعاون

تُنظم مكتبة الإسكندرية من خلال إدارة مؤسسات المعلومات والمهارات المهنية، محاضرة بعنوان "المكتب الإقليمي لمكتب مكتبة الكونجرس بالقاهرة: جمع وحفظ التراث الببليوغرافي لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا"، يقدمها الدكتور روستين زركار؛ مدير المكتب الإقليمي لمكتب مكتبة الكونجرس بالقاهرة.


Bibliotheca and NoveList® Announce Exclusive Partnership

28 يونيو 2023
اتفاقيات التعاون

Bibliotheca and NoveList®, a division of EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO), are proud to announce a new exclusive agreement that makes the expertly curated recommendations from NoveList® available at checkout only on Bibliotheca’s self-service solutions.


Clarivate Announces Partnership with AI21 Labs

22 يونيو 2023
اتفاقيات التعاون

Clarivate Plc (NYSE: CLVT), a global leader in connecting people and organizations to intelligence they can trust to transform their world, today announced a strategic partnership with AI21 Labs, a pioneer in generative artificial intelligence (AI).


OCLC partners with SCELC to advance diversity in shared print using Choreo Insights library analytics

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
16 مايو 2023
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC is partnering with the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC) to use OCLC's new Choreo Insights library analytics solution to help identify ways to enhance diversity in shared print collections in order to retain and preserve valuable materials of interest in underrepresented communities.


Spanish Public Administration special libraries partner with OCLC to develop BIBLESPAGE union catalog

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
19 أبريل 2023
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC and Spanish Public Administration special libraries are partnering to develop BIBLESPAGE (Bibliotecas Especializadas de la Administración General del Estado), a union catalog of the libraries' resources built on the WorldCat Discovery platform. Fourteen libraries are currently participating in the catalog and more are expected to join soon.



«مكتبة محمد بن راشد» تستقبل مدير مكتبة الإسكندرية والمدير التنفيذي لـ (آفاق)

مكتبات اون لاين
12 أبريل 2023
اتفاقيات التعاون

استقبلت مكتبة محمد بن راشد، الدكتور أحمد زايد، مدير مكتبة الإسكندرية في جمهورية مصر العربية، والدكتورة ريما مسمار، المدير التنفيذي للصندوق العربي للثقافة والفنون (آفاق)، وذلك للاطلاع على تجربتها الرائدة وخدماتها الذكية، إلى جانب بحث سبل التعاون المستقبلي في المجالات المشتركة، وتبادل الخبرات في قطاع المكتبات العامة.


OCLC partners with the Big Ten Academic Alliance to advance new OCLC Resource Sharing for Groups

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
27 مارس 2023
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC is partnering with the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) to advance development of OCLC Resource Sharing for Groups, a new solution that reimagines resource sharing with a focus on library groups and consortia.



IFLA Middle East and North Africa Regional Division completed the first training programme on advocacy

15 ديسمبر 2022
اتفاقيات التعاون

With the successful first round of the Advocacy Training Module held by IFLA’s Middle East and North Africa Regional Division Committee coming to completion in October this year, IFLA’s Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Regional Division Committee (RDC) announced two more rounds of the same module to run in January and May.

The training programme on library advocacy held by IFLA’s MENA RDC in cooperation with the Arab Federation for Libraries and Information (AFLI) was completed in October 2022. 45 participants working in public and university libraries in 17 Arab countries attended the three-month training programme. 19 of them completed it successfully, and will now be ambassadors for the course.


The 47th ISSN Centre Directors’ Meeting is taking place in Cairo, Egypt, for the first time in 46 years !

The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
21 نوفمبر 2022
اتفاقيات التعاون

The 47th ISSN Centre Directors’ Meeting is being held from November 20-24, 2022 in Cairo, Egypt, at the kind invitation of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) and the Egyptian National Scientific and Technical Information Network (ENSTINET). Egypt has been a member country of the ISSN Network since 1990.


Roanoke Valley Libraries to improve online experience for users with OCLC Wise

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
08 سبتمبر 2022
اتفاقيات التعاون

Roanoke Valley Libraries (RVL), in Virginia, which includes libraries in Botetourt County, City of Roanoke, City of Salem, and County of Roanoke, has signed on to implement OCLC Wise, the first community engagement system for U.S. public libraries.


SAGE Publishing Partners with The Wikipedia Library to Grant Journal Access to Wikipedia Editors

SAGE Publishing
09 أغسطس 2022
اتفاقيات التعاون

SAGE Publishing is pleased to announce a partnership with The Wikipedia Library to provide Wikipedia editors full-text access to SAGE’s more than 1,100 journals beginning immediately. The partnership will connect peer-reviewed research to those outside of academia for greater societal understanding and increase research connections.


ACS and scite Partner on Smart Citations

09 أغسطس 2022
اتفاقيات التعاون

scite, an award-winning tool that helps students and researchers discover and understand research findings more efficiently through Smart Citations, has partnered with the American Chemical Society (ACS) to enhance the citation experience for its globally diverse readership.


ALA Core members now have free access to OCLC's WorldShare Management Services sandbox

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
25 يونيو 2022
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC and ALA Core, the newest division of the American Library Association, are partnering to provide free access to OCLC's WorldShare Management Services sandbox, the test environment for the platform, that will allow Core members seeking professional development opportunities a chance to work hands-on with a cloud-based library management system.


EBSCO Information Services Announces Partnership with Clever

24 يونيو 2022
اتفاقيات التعاون

EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is partnering with Clever, the most widely-used single sign-on (SSO) portal for schools in the United States. This partnership serves as a solution for schools looking to streamline access to their EBSCO resources for students and teachers.



الاستعداد لانطلاق الدورة السابعة عشرة من معرض مكتبة الإسكندرية الدولي للكتاب

مكتبة الإسكندرية
01 يونيو 2022
اتفاقيات التعاون

تستعد مكتبة الإسكندرية لإقامة الدورة السابعة عشرة لمعرض مكتبة الإسكندرية الدولي للكتاب في الفترة من الاثنين 18 إلى الخميس 28 يوليو 2022، والذي يُقام بالتعاون مع الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتاب، واتحاد الناشرين المصريين، واتحاد الناشرين العرب. 


GOBI® Library Solutions from EBSCO Partners with Knowledge Unlatched to Support Open Access Initiatives in Academic Libraries

25 أبريل 2022
اتفاقيات التعاون

GOBI® Library Solutions from EBSCO (GOBI Library Solutions) now supports the Knowledge Unlatched (KU) Open Access (OA) e-books funding model, providing the opportunity for academic libraries to support OA funding initiatives within their GOBI workflow. The addition of the Knowledge Unlatched Open Research Library E-Book platform will make the complete collection of Knowledge Unlatched OA crowdfunding products available to GOBI customers worldwide. 


Lean Library Partners with Skilltype to Create Librarian Futures Community and Support Librarian Learning

SAGE Publishing
25 أبريل 2022
اتفاقيات التعاون

Lean Library, a ‘Technology from SAGE’ company, is pleased to announce its partnership with Skilltype, a global training platform for librarians. Lean Library will utilize Skilltype’s innovative platform to curate and showcase its product training, events and webinars, providing librarians with recognition for the skills and knowledge acquired, whilst also enabling greater networking amongst Lean Library’s library partners. Lean Library and Skilltype will also develop a new community for Skilltype members, Librarian Futures, to share and solicit debate and ideas about the evolving role of the librarian. This will build on Lean Library’s 2021 global consultation, which culminated in its Librarian Futures report.


OCLC and Google now connect web searchers directly to library collections

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
13 أبريل 2022
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC and Google are working together to link directly from books discovered through Google Search to print book records in the catalogs of hundreds of U.S. libraries. This feature is part of Google’s ongoing effort to connect people to their local libraries through Google Search.


SAGE Publishing and the South African National Library and Information Consortium Reach New ‘Read and Publish’ Deal

SAGE Publishing
07 مارس 2022
اتفاقيات التعاون

New Deal to Support Researchers in South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia

Through a new transformative agreement, SAGE Publishing and the South African National Library and Information Consortium (SANLiC) expand publishing opportunities for researchers in South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia. The three-year deal will provide researchers with:

  • Open Access (OA) publishing rights, with no cost to the author in Hybrid journals within the current Premier collection.
  • A discount on article publishing charges for SAGE’s 150+ pure Gold Open Access journals.


OCLC partners with Wiley to offer seamless workflows

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
08 نوفمبر 2021
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC is pleased to partner with Wiley to automate the maintenance of your library's holdings, eliminating the need for manual management of these collections by library staff.


المؤتمر السنوي الثاني والثلاثون للاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات

AFLI اعلم
24 أكتوبر 2021
اتفاقيات التعاون

أعلن الاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات عن المؤتمر السنوي (الثاني والثلاثون) للاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات - اعلم والذي يأتي بالتعاون مع المنظمة العربية للتنمية الادارية التابعة لجامعة الدول العربية ، تحت عنوان : مستقبل مؤسسات المعلومات العربية في ظل التقنيات الذكية (رؤية استراتيجية 2050) ويقام خلال يومي ١٥ و ١٦ ديسمبر ٢٠٢١ في القاهرة مصر .


OCLC signs new agreements with publishers and other content providers worldwide

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
28 سبتمبر 2021
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC has signed new agreements with leading publishers and other content providers around the world to add metadata for high-quality electronic and print books, journals, databases, and other learning materials that will make their content discoverable through WorldCat Discovery.


LIBER and COAR Join Forces to Strengthen the Role of Repositories in Europe

Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR)
19 أغسطس 2021
اتفاقيات التعاون

LIBER and COAR have signed a partnership agreement with the aim of strengthening the role of repositories in Europe. This new agreement provides a framework for joint strategic actions that will reinforce the important role of libraries in sustaining and advancing open repositories in the region.


مشاركة متميزة لمكتبة الإسكندرية في معرض القاهرة الدولي للكتاب 2021

مكتبة الإسكندرية
28 يونيو 2021
اتفاقيات التعاون

تشارك مكتبة الإسكندرية هذا العام في معرض القاهرة الدولي للكتاب في دورته الثانية والخمسين بالعديد من المطبوعات. ينطلق المعرض في 30 يونيو 2021 بمركز مصر للمعارض الدولية بالتجمع الخامس، ويستمر حتى 15 يوليو المقبل.


DPLA Signs Agreement with Amazon Publishing: Supports Ebook & Audio Book Availability to Patrons

18 مايو 2021
اتفاقيات التعاون

Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) is pleased to announce that they have signed an agreement with Amazon Publishing to make all of the approximately 10,000 Amazon Publishing ebooks and audiobooks available to libraries and their patrons through the DPLA Exchange, the only not-for-profit, library-centered content marketplace.


SAGE and Jisc Increase Transparency and Impact of Open Research through the Jisc Publications Router

SAGE Publishing
05 مايو 2021
اتفاقيات التعاون

Thousands of articles per year made open access (OA) under a transformative OA agreement between Jisc and SAGE Publishing will become more accessible with the inclusion of Hybrid Gold OA articles in the Jisc Publications Router project, vastly increasing the transparency and discoverability of the UK’s open research.  


Elsevier Reaches Transformative Open Access Agreement With UC

16 مارس 2021
اتفاقيات التعاون

Elsevier, a global leader in research publishing and information analytics, and the University of California (UC) have signed a ground-breaking memorandum of understanding to support open access (OA) publishing across the 10-campus UC system.


New Transformative Agreement from SAGE and The Canadian Research Knowledge Network Enables Unlimited Open Access Publishing Rights for Affiliated Researchers

SAGE Publishing
23 فبراير 2021
اتفاقيات التعاون

SAGE Publishing and The Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) announce a new ‘read and publish’ agreement to benefit researchers affiliated with CRKN’s member institutions. The agreement provides Canadian researchers at participating institutions with: 


Unlimited open access publishing rights in 900+ hybrid journals, including titles published on behalf of or in association with 400+ societies


Reading access to those 900+ peer-reviewed journals (950,000+ articles) 


Discounted article publishing charges for SAGE’s 150+ pure Gold Open Access journals


Beginning January 1, 2021, the agreement will last for the next three years. 


Nine more libraries now using Tipasa for interlibrary loan management

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
18 فبراير 2021
اتفاقيات التعاون

In recent weeks, nine libraries have implemented Tipasa for their ILL programs and joined a total of 316 libraries now using Tipasa. These include:


  • Columbus Metropolitan Library (OCO), Ohio
  • Massey University Library (UW1), New Zealand
  • Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine (NORDA), Utah
  • Pennsylvania College of Technology (WSB)
  • Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (IMS), Indiana
  • University of Pennsylvania, Biddle Law Library (PLL)
  • University of Redlands (CUR), California
  • United States Merchant Marine Academy (VYM), New York
  • College of Southern Nevada (NVA)


EBSCO Information Services and Knowledge E Partner to Support Libraries Looking to Adopt FOLIO

18 فبراير 2021
اتفاقيات التعاون

EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) and Knowledge E have partnered to support libraries adopting the FOLIO Library Services Platform (LSP). EBSCO FOLIO and Knowledge E will work together to provide reliable local hosting and support services.


14 publishers endorse NISO Transfer Code of Practice in 2020

01 ديسمبر 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

In 2020, the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) welcomed 14 new endorsing publishers as the most recent adopters of its Transfer Code of Practice.


Jisc and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Enter an Innovative Read-and-Publish Agreement

STM Publishing News Group
22 أكتوبر 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

Jisc and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (CSHL Press) today announce an agreement that provides faculty in participating Jisc institutions with unlimited, open-access publication of accepted research manuscripts as well as full reading access to the complete collection of renowned CSHL Press journals....


W3C Launches Initiative to Improve the Web for Merchants

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
21 أكتوبر 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

W3C today launched the Merchant Business Group, an open forum to address challenges for customer experiences and business needs using Web technologies. Merchants, integrators, platform providers, and others will discuss how emerging Web technologies could help address customer experience challenges, and what additional Web capabilities may be necessary...


OCLC signs agreements with publishers and other content providers worldwide

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
14 أكتوبر 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC has signed agreements with leading publishers and other content providers around the world to add metadata for high-quality electronic and print books, journals, databases, and other learning materials that will make their content discoverable through WorldCat Discovery...


EBSCO Information Services Partners with Three Institutions to Develop Analytics Platform

STM Publishing News Group
13 أكتوبر 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) will partner with University of Denver, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Chalmers University of Technology to develop a next-generation analytics platform. The platform will combine and streamline data sets from library and campus systems, allowing library staff to demonstrate a library’s impact while making informed decisions on collections and services...



OCLC and CRL enhance infrastructure to manage shared print serials in WorldCat

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
13 أغسطس 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC and the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) have completed a two-year project that has added support for the registration of serial retention commitments in OCLC's WorldCat database, improved discovery of shared print data, and enhanced CRL's Print Archives Preservation Registry (PAPR)...


De Gruyter partners with LibLynx for Identity, Access and Analytics

LibLynx LLC
07 يوليه 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

…De Gruyter, has partnered with LibLynx to provide Identity, Access and Analytics for their new digital publishing platform.


محتويات مكتبة الملك فهد الوطنية الثمينة في ”بيت الإيسيسكو الرقمي“

منظمة العالم الإسلامي للتربية والعلوم والثقافة - إيسيسكو
13 يونيو 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

اتفقت منظمة العالم الإسلامي للتربية والعلوم والثقافة (إيسيسكو)، ومكتبة الملك فهد الوطنية بالمملكة العربية السعودية، على إتاحة المحتويات المعرفية الرقمية للمكتبة في ”بيت الإيسيسكو الرقمي“ ضمن مبادرة “الثقافة عن بُعد”...


كنوز مكتبة الإسكندرية المعرفية في ”بيت الإيسيسكو الرقمي“

منظمة العالم الإسلامي للتربية والعلوم والثقافة - إيسيسكو
05 يونيو 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

استجابة لمبادرات منظمة العالم الإسلامي للتربية والعلوم والثقافة (إيسيسكو) في دعم جهود الحد من انعكاسات جائحة (كوفيد-١٩) على مجالات التربية والعلوم والثقافة، جرى الاتفاق مع مكتبة الإسكندرية، إحدى أكبر وأعرق مكتبات العالم، على إتاحة كنوزها المعرفية في ”بيت الإيسيسكو الرقمي“...


IFLA Signs on to ICOLC Statement on Resource Access during COVID-19, Shares Principles for Associations in Negotiations

27 مايو 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

IFLA has signed onto the Statement by the International Coalition of Library Consortia on the global COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on library services and resources...


Knowledge Unlatched and EBSCO Information Services Announce Subscribe-to-Open Cooperation

Knowledge Unlatched (KU)
27 مايو 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

Knowledge Unlatched (KU), the international initiative for Open Access (OA), and EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO)…are pleased to announce their joint efforts to further support libraries worldwide in their move to OA...


Frontiers partners with Clarivate on new Reviewer Recognition Service

Frontiers Science News
28 أبريل 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

New service provides greater recognition for reviewers and their contributions to scholarly publishing


Semantic Scholar support institutional login and full text research access

27 أبريل 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

We are pleased to announce a partnership with The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence to add institutional login and access to full text research for Semantic Scholar, creating a seamless access experience for millions of researchers worldwide…


Coronavirus: Commission launches data sharing platform for researchers

STM Publishing News Group
22 أبريل 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

Today, the European Commission together with several partners launched a European COVID-19 Data Platform to enable the rapid collection and sharing of available research data…


COVID-19 research partnership to inform safe handling of collections, reopening practices for libraries, museums

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
22 أبريل 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

The Institute of Museum and Library Services, together with OCLC and Battelle, announced a new collaboration to support the nation's libraries and museums as they consider safe reopening practices in light of COVID-19…


ISSN IC and ORCID join efforts to provide enhanced information services to the scholarly community

The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
17 أبريل 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

The International Standard Serial Number International Centre (ISSN IC) partnership with ORCID has resulted in improved accessibility and easier discovery of authoritative information about academic journals and where scholarly articles are published…


Public Health Emergency COVID-19 Initiative

Medical Library Association (MLA)
31 مارس 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

…national science and technology advisors from a dozen countries formed a Public Health Emergency COVID-19 Initiative


OCLC partners provide extended and free e-content during the COVID-19 crisis

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
27 مارس 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

…As a library cooperative, OCLC has leveraged dozens of partnerships with publishers to provide extended and, in many cases, free access to e-resources…


Coronavirus-Impacted Libraries Get Unlimited Access to Ebook Central Holdings

25 مارس 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is having an unprecedented effect on higher-education institutions across the globe…


COVID-19 and the Global Library Field: Statement by the IFLA President and Secretary General

23 مارس 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

Many have been obliged to close temporarily or reduce services to a minimum to contribute to

efforts to limit the spread of the disease…


LexisNexis Launches New Digital Library Experience in Collaboration with OverDrive

30 يناير 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

LexisNexis® Legal & Professional today announced comprehensive updates to its LexisNexis® Digital Library platform...


EBSCO Information Services Partners with Code Ocean to Invest in Open Research and Promote Reproducibility

21 يناير 2020
اتفاقيات التعاون

A new strategic partnership between EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) and Code Ocean will provide to the global research community a platform to facilitate the sharing and reuse of computational code and data...


OCLC partners with Third Iron to offer seamless journal access and browsing experience

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
16 ديسمبر 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC is partnering with Third Iron, LLC—a leading information technology company developing innovative services for libraries, publishers and their users—to integrate its LibKey Discovery service with WorldCat Discovery...


Open Preservation Foundation and DLM Forum Sign Memorandum of Understanding

Open Preservation
18 نوفمبر 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

A new memorandum of understanding has been signed by the Open Preservation Foundation (OPF) and the DLM Forum.


OCLC and Europeana partner to share access to open cultural heritage resources through WorldCat

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
21 أكتوبر 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC and Europeana, the digital platform for European cultural heritage, are working together to add records of millions of digitized items to WorldCat...


OCLC signs agreements with publishers worldwide

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
19 يونيو 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC has signed agreements with leading content providers from around the world to add metadata for high-quality electronic and print books, journals, databases, and other learning materials that will make their content discoverable through WorldCat Discovery


OCLC transfers QuestionPoint 24/7 Reference Cooperative, subscriptions to Springshare platform

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
31 مايو 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC and Springshare have signed an agreement to transfer the QuestionPoint 24/7 Reference Cooperative and all active QuestionPoint subscriptions to Springshare, a recognized leader in the development of reference software for libraries worldwide.


EBSCO Information Services Partners with The Carroll Center for the Blind to Advance User Research and Design

16 مايو 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) and The Carroll Center for the Blind today announced a partnership in which the two organizations will work together to improve and enhance the experience across EBSCO products for users with a varying array of disabilities.


OCLC and Knovel partner to offer seamless workflows

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
22 أبريل 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC is pleased to partner with Knovel to automate subscription management workflows, eliminating the need for manual intervention by library staff…


EBSCO Information Services Partners with StackMap to Expand Digital Wayfinding within Libraries

26 مارس 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) has formally partnered with StackMap™, a digital platform for indoor mapping, so that customers may benefit from StackMap’s integrated services with EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) in addition to other catalogs...


KwikBoost Acquired by Luxor, a Global Market Leader in Designing and Manufacturing Innovative Workspace Products

25 مارس 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

Luxor, a subsidiary of EBSCO Industries, announced that it has acquired KwikBoost, a manufacturer of commercial mobile device charging solutions. Founded in 2010, KwikBoost is known for its patented designs and innovative products that include mobile device charging stations, lockers, charging workstations, and portable charging solutions.


Reprints Desk Inc. Integrates with EBSCO Discovery Service™

21 مارس 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

A new partnership between Reprints Desk, Inc, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Research Solutions, Inc., and EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) now enhances the research experience for academic and government users of EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS). Reprints Desk’s award-winning Article Galaxy solution has been integrated with the EDS platform to streamline the discovery-to-delivery user journey for mutual customers.


Reprints Desk Joins Forces With Library Cooperatice OCLC

Reprints Desk
20 مارس 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

Research Solutions, Inc., (OTCQB: RSSS), a pioneer in providing cloud-based workflow solutions for R&D driven organizations, today announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary Reprints Desk and global library cooperative OCLC have forged an agreement bringing together two powerful solutions for academic institutions: Article Galaxy and Tipasa.


BMJ partners with RedLink to offer Remarq® on BMJ Open

17 مارس 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

RedLink is pleased to announce that BMJ is the latest publisher to offer Remarq, a tool for the research and education communities offering collaboration, annotation, commenting, article sharing, and editorial tools, all on the publisher’s site and utilizing the version of record. Remarq launched earlier this week on BMJ Open, an open access journal dedicated to publishing medical research from all disciplines and therapeutic areas.


Elsevier launches assessment capabilities on its all-new ClinicalKey Student platform

07 مارس 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

Elsevier, the information analytics business specializing in science and health, announced today the launch of new assessment capabilities available on its refreshed and rebranded ClinicalKey Student platform (formerly ClinicalKey Medical Education). These new capabilities support medical faculty and students by enhancing the teaching and learning experience with tools tailored to develop and assess the knowledge of aspiring medical professionals.


Extensive Catalogue of CNN Films, Documentaries, Interviews and Content Added to Academic Video Online

07 مارس 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

More than 450 documentaries, interviews and special films originally released by CNN are now available to academic libraries through the Academic Video Online streaming video collection, marking the first time CNN content is available in a video database for the library market.


اتفاقية الخدمات الموسعة بين خدمات معلومات إبسكو EBSCO Information Services ومؤسسة تقنية المعارف Knowledgeware Technologies وأثرها الهائل على مشروع المصدر المفتوح

LibraryThing.tech Blog مدونة شيءٌمكتباتي.تَكْ
04 مارس 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

قامت كل من خدمات معلومات إبسكو EBSCO Information Services ومؤسسة تقنية المعارف KnowledgeWare Technologies بتوثيق علاقتهما لضمان حصول المكتبات التي تعتمد منصة فوليو للخدمات المكتباتية (LSP) على خدمات الاستضافة ودعم الخدمات على الوجه الأمثل.


NLM and Wellcome Complete Partnership to Provide Free Access to Hundreds of Years of Medical Research

National Library of Medicine (NLM)
19 فبراير 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) and Wellcome have completed their partnership to make thousands of full back issues of historically-significant biomedical journals freely available through the National Institutes of Health life sciences repository PubMed Central (PMC), and through its European counterpart, Europe PMC.


OCLC partners with Couperin.org to add analytics features to EZproxy authentication software

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
13 فبراير 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC is partnering with the Couperin.org Consortium, the French non-profit that developed ezPAARSE software with the CNRS Institute for Scientific Information, to enhance OCLC's EZproxy authentication software with analytics features and to expand the use of ezPAARSE outside of France.


CILIP Joins Forces with KPMG and Other Industry Partners to promote Information as an Asset

Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP)
13 فبراير 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

…CILIP have partnered with KPMG UK, and worked with industry partners CIO Connect and IK SpringBoard to launch Information as an Asset: Today’s Board Agenda – a new report highlighting the importance for c-suite executives and senior decision-makers to value and invest in the management of their organisation’s strategic information assets.


OCLC partners with StackMap to enhance discovery experience for library users

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
25 يناير 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC is partnering with StackMap, an indoor mapping and way-finding service, to enhance the discovery of library materials by providing maps and detailed directions to the location of physical items within a library.


Springer Nature and The Open University launch a unique Computer Science Ontology (CSO)

Springer Nature
10 يناير 2019
اتفاقيات التعاون

Springer Nature and the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) of the Open University are partnering to provide a comprehensive Computer Science Ontology (CSO) to a broad range of communities engaged with scholarly data.


BBC Studios’ Video Library Now Available Through ProQuest

04 ديسمبر 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

An expanded agreement between ProQuest and BBC Learning, a division of BBC Studios, was announced today.


The American University of Beirut Joins ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Publishing Program

27 نوفمبر 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

The American University of Beirut, an esteemed teaching-centered research university in Lebanon and the Middle East, has signed an agreement to contribute its graduate works to the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses™ (PQDT) database…


OCLC partners with Taylor & Francis to create and deliver high-quality catalog records to libraries

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
10 أكتوبر 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC is partnering with Taylor & Francis, one of the world's leading academic publishers, to create and deliver high-quality catalog records representing important scholarly works to libraries.


OCLC signs agreements with publishers worldwide

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
03 أكتوبر 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

DUBLIN, Ohio,OCLC has signed agreements with leading publishers from around the world to add metadata for high-quality electronic and print books, journals, databases and learning materials that will make their content discoverable through WorldCat Discovery.


مكتبة قطر الوطنية تتعاون مع اليونسكو في حفظ التراث الوثائقي للعالم العربي

24 سبتمبر 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

وقعت مكتبة قطر الوطنية ومنظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية والعلم والثقافة (اليونسكو) اتفاقية للتعاون المشترك في تنفيذ مشروع بعنوان "دعم مكتبات التراث الوثائقي في المنطقة العربية"...


Penguin Random House launches partnership with the RNIB, making its books available to blind and partially sighted readers

Penguin Random House
29 أغسطس 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

Today Penguin Random House UK has launched a new partnership with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) by signing up to two of the charity’s programmes - RNIB Bookshare and Talking Books.


GOBI® Library Solutions from EBSCO and TIND Partner to Improve Acquisitions Workflows

23 أغسطس 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

A new partnership between GOBI® Library Solutions from EBSCO (GOBI Library Solutions), a division of EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO), and TIND is aimed at streamlining GOBI acquisitions for TIND libraries.


GOBI® Library Solutions from EBSCO and ByWater Solutions Partner to Improve Koha Workflows

07 أغسطس 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

A new partnership between GOBI® Library Solutions from EBSCO (GOBI Library Solutions), a division of EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO), and ByWater Solutions is aimed at helping Koha libraries.


Elsevier to acquire Aries Systems, a best-in-class publication workflow solutions provider

02 أغسطس 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

Elsevier, the global information analytics business specializing in science and health, today announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Aries Systems, a leader in scientific publication workflow solutions headquartered outside Boston, MA.


Elsevier/Impactstory agreement will make open access articles easier to find on Scopus

26 يوليه 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

…With Elsevier’s new partnership with Impactstory, a nonprofit that creates online tools to make science more open and reusable, researchers will soon be able to find open access content on Scopus more efficiently.


Wellcome trials Research Data Support services with Springer Nature

Springer Nature
12 يوليه 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

Wellcome is partnering with Springer Nature on a pilot to support researchers to make their research datasets discoverable and available to the wider research community.


اطلاق مشروع الشبكة الدولية لقادة المكتبات المبدعين الناشئين - تونس

AFLI اعلم
27 يونيو 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

يعلن الاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات اعلم عن اطلاق مشروع الشبكة الدولية لقادة المكتبات المبدعين الناشئين - تونس، ذلك المشروع هو فرع من الشبكة الدوية في الشرق الاوسط و شمال افريقيا تحت رعاية من الاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات اعلم.


Internet for People: IFLA Signs onto Joint Letter to G20 Presidency

17 يونيو 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

IFLA has added its name to a letter to Mauricio Macri, President of Argentina and host of the G20 – a gathering of the governments of the world’s biggest economies.


MIT and Royal Society of Chemistry Sign First North American “Read and Publish” Agreement for Scholarly Articles

MIT Libraries
14 يونيو 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

The MIT Libraries and the Royal Society of Chemistry have signed a groundbreaking license agreement that incorporates elements of a traditional subscription purchase and open access to scholarly articles.


أول فهرس (كشاف) للاستشهادات المرجعية باللغة العربية

Dar Almandumah دار المنظومة
28 مايو 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

قام الدكتور طارق شوقي وزير التربية والتعليم والتعليم الفني ممثلًا عن بنك المعرفة المصري بعقد شراكة مع كل من شركة كلاريفيت أناليتيكس «Clarivate Analytics» وشركة دار المنظومة لتقنية المعلومات لإنشاء أول فهرس (كشاف) للاستشهادات المرجعية العربي «Arabic Citation Index (ARCI)».


OCLC to Support Interoperability between Talis Aspire Reading Lists, WorldShare Management Services

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
01 مايو 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

OCLC and Talis, the UK-based organization that creates resource management solutions for educators, have signed an agreement that will enable faculty at institutions that subscribe to both Talis Aspire Reading Lists and OCLC's WorldShare Management Services to create reading lists for students with integration through their libraries.


Library of Congress and Bibliothèque Nationale de France Announce Collaboration on International Digital Content

Library of Congress
25 أبريل 2018
اتفاقيات التعاون

Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden and Laurence Engel, president of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), today announced a collaboration between the Library of Congress and the BnF to provide digital content for a new online space for collections relating to shared French-American history.
