Arabic Library Standards


Lib Standards Around the World

Bibliotheca Alexandrina in the 29th Arab Federation for Libraries and Information (AFLI) Conference

12 Nov 2018
Bibliographic Utilities

The Arab Federation for Libraries and Information (AFLI) Conference, in its 29th round, will be held in the Red Sea University, Port Sudan, the Republic of the Sudan, 19–21 November 2018, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture in Sudan, and in cooperation with the Sudanese Association for Libraries and Information, the Red Sea State and the Red Sea University.

The title of the Conference this year is Moving Ahead: A Futuristic Vision to the Role of Specialized Federations and Associations in the Field of Library, Information and Archives in the Arab World...

The Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), represented in the Arabic Library Standards, attends the Conference, exhibiting its various publications, such as MARC 21 Formats in Arabic, with their latest updates, in addition to presenting its developing new projects and standards. This will take place in the Conference Exhibition, Bibliotheca Alexandrina Booth.

Full text here.